"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."

Start from the beginning

For the past couple of days, You Qi was under a lot of stress. The director of the new movie he was working on was not pleased with how everything was turning out. There were rewrites to the script, wardrobe malfunctions, missing props and a lot of very unhappy actors. You Qi was required to be on set at all times for the reshoots. He was tired and cranky from all of the mishaps that occured. Also, he hadn't seen Yang Meng for a while. He sat in his dressing room, sulking and munching on his lunch. He grabbed his phone and called his lover. It would be nice to hear his voice at a time like this.
"You Qi, are you okay? How is everything at work?" Yang Meng asked, sounding out of breath.
"I'm feeling too much stress today," You Qi whined.
"Is there anything that I can do to help?" Yang Meng offered.
You Qi looked around his dressing room and had an idea. If he could get Yang Meng to come over, he could lock the door so that they could have a bit of fun, he thought to himself. "Can you come over?" he asked.
"Not really," said Yang Meng. "I'm helping my dad with something."
You Qi was disappointed. He made an unhappy face and shook his fist in the air. Knowing that Yang Meng couldn't see him, he said, "I'm missing you."
Yang Meng blushed. He eyed his father quickly and moved to the side so that he could speak in privacy. Covering his phone with his hand, he whispered, "I miss you too." He felt bad that he hadn't seen his lover for two days. He enjoyed the closeness and companionship. They both had become busy with what life had thrown at them.
Just then, Yang Meng's phone beeped. He looked at the screen and saw that it was his friend. "Bai LuoYin is calling, let me conference him into the call," he said.
"Okay," You Qi said, sounding like a sad child.
"How are you?" Bai LuoYin asked. "I haven't seen you in a while. Gu Hai and I wanted to know if you and You Qi would like to have dinner with us soon."
You Qi chimed in to let Bai LuoYin know he was on the line also.
"Oh! How nice," Bai LuoYin laughed.
They agreed to meet on Saturday, around eight and hung up.
"I want you to come here, now," You Qi said, his voice sounding demanding.
Yang Meng loved when You Qi sounded this way, especially when they were being intimate. But, right now, he couldn't leave his father. He was helping him with important paperwork. "I can't," he said. "My father needs help filling out paperwork for his doctor and he also needs me to go to the market for him. He isn't feeling well these days."
You Qi frowned. "I'll send someone to help him so you can come here," he said.
"You Qi, I need to help my father. Your assistant won't be able to get the correct things from the market. My father is very specific with his ingredients and I know them well. Also, this is my responsibility as a son."
You Qi grew impatient. He moved the phone away from his face and disconnected the call. He threw his phone onto the counter in front of him and crossed his arms over his chest. He made a sour face to match his mood.
Yang Meng blinked down at his phone. Had You Qi just hung up on him?! Why?! Was he that upset about such a small thing? He dialed You Qi again and listened as the phone rang. The call went to voice mail. Did You Qi not answer because he was upset?!

Yan Ya Jing was fussing about Gao's birthday, which was in two weeks. She wanted to throw him a surprise party, but couldn't figure out how to get him to stay away from home long enough for her to make preparations. She blinked at her computer screen and tapped her pen nervously on the paper in front of her. Thankfully, no one was in her office, the sound was annoying and would have been distracting to others.
A few minutes later, Gu Hai walked into her office, grinning like a wicked teenager. "Let's have lunch together," he said. "I want to tell you something."
Yan Ya Jing's eyes lit up. Bingo! She could ask Gu Hai to keep Gao busy on his birthday. She shot up from her chair and grabbed her purse. "I have a favor to ask," she said, giving him pleading eyes.
Gu Hai laughed nervously as they began to walk side by side into the hallway. He stopped to greet an employee who passed by. He and the woman slightly bowed their heads and kept moving. As he passed more of his dedicated workers, he greeted them as well. This happened every time he ran into his staff. He always made sure to greet them with kindness and his full attention. After all, these were the same women who helped him run such a successful business. They deserved every bit of attention as anyone else.
Yan Ya Jing also greeted them. Even though she was about to burst from nervousness, she also kept herself humble and kind.
When they were finally out of the building and sitting in a nice restaurant, Yan Ya Jing said, "Gao's birthday is coming up."
"Oh, nice," Gu Hai said. He took a sip of his water and then listened to her speak again.
"I wanted to ask if you would be able to keep him out for the day. I want to make it a surprise party," she said. "I've sent out invitations to everyone already, bought decorations and ordered the food. I just need someone to keep him busy while I set everything up."
"I can help you with that," he said and nodded. "I'll pick him up in the morning around nine. I'll take him fishing."
"I think he will like that," she said and smiled. She could breath easier now. Her plan was starting to look up. She was also grateful for Gu Hai. He came through for her and she appreciated him.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now