♡chapter one♡

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Miles and Flora were outside playing tag when they saw a car drive in their direction, only the big gates in front of their house separating them

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Miles and Flora were outside playing tag when they saw a car drive in their direction, only the big gates in front of their house separating them.

Miles and Flora were outside playing tag when they saw a car drive in their direction, only the big gates in front of their house separating them

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Miles hold Floras hand and stood in front of her. Protecting the girl from who ever was behind their gates.

The car stopped, someone stepped out of it. It looked like a girl about 16 years old but Miles couldn't really see her well since she was too far away.

The girl went up to the gates and yelled.
"Hey sucker! Mind opening the gate please."
Miles recognized the voice immediately.
"Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled.

"Oh, I just came here to brag about my new car! This hoe got her license bitch!!" She yelled back
"Now mind opening the door or are you gonna keep standing there like a statue"

Miles ran up to the gate and opened it.
Y/n was his best and only friend from when he was younger.

Y/n had a bad home situation when she was a kid and ran away when she was 6. She ran right to his house.

Mrs. Grose saw the poor kid crying in the rain one morning and immediately took her in. Y/n lived in the house until foster care picked her up witch was about two months later. Miles and y/n were really close and Mrs. Grose didn't want to call foster care at first because Miles never was as happy as he was with y/n.

After two months Mrs. Grose came to the decision that it was wrong to keep the girl while her parents might have been looking for her.

They never did. They didn't care at all. Who knows if they even noticed the girl was gone.

Y/n was adopted by an amazing sweet and caring family not to far away from the Fairchild's so once in a while the young girl was able to visit the family who took care of her when she needed it the most.

Flora loved y/n. Y/n was like the sister she never had. To be honest, who wouldn't love her? Y/n was just amazing, always happy, funny, caring. She was always positive and knew exactly what to say when people were sad or mad to help them get happy again.

Around y/n, everyone felt safe and happy.

Everyone except Kate Mandell. Kate hated the girl. She thought y/n was the reason Miles was so awfully mean to her. And maybe she was right but not for the reason she thought.

Miles had a small crush on the girl, every time she was there he was the happiest boy on earth but when she left, it was almost like he was depressed. So seeing the beautiful girl at his house again made Miles smile like a maniac.

My Girl //M.F. ×readerWhere stories live. Discover now