(The Cycle Is Broken) - Weasel x Female Reader

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You were alone in your cell, sitting on the rusty prison bed. "...When will this end?" You said to yourself. As you look up to the cell door, you see someone pop their head in. "(Y/N)? You okay?" He asked. It was Albert Arlington (Weasel), he looked pretty worried about you. "..I'm...uh...fine.." You said, looking at your hands. You could see he his feet. "Tell me" Al said. You didn't say anything. You kept looking at your hands. Al sat next to you. He grabbed your right hand and helped you stand up. He made these big eyes as if saying "please tell me", which made you turn red. "Okay...okay..." You giggled softly. "Go ahead, I have a listening ear" Al said. You  inhaled and exhaled. "...I want to leave this place for good...I'm tired of running all over the damn place....I'm tired of being here!" You said, getting a lump in your throat. Al saw the tears in your eyes. "It's someone's month, isn't it?" He said, putting his arm over you. You nodded and wiped your tears. "Your telling the truth though. I know you want to leave and go home, (Y/N)....But, I believe there's a way we can get out" Al said, as you nuzzled him. "What do you mean?" You said, calmly. "What I mean, is that I plan...." Al stopped talking as he saw Billy and Finn poking their heads in. Billy was making eye contact with you and slanted his eyes. "What are you two talking about?" Finn asked. "I'm tryna make her feel better...for a personal reason. Don't worry about it" Al said, annoyed. "Ah, we worry. We ain't no strangers, ya' know" Billy said. "Yeah" Finn agreed. You looked at the two and looked back at Al, whose face seemed weirded out. "Go on, it's not like (Y/N) doesn't know us! We're her friends" Billy said, stepping in the cell, with Finn following behind him. Glancing at the three this time, you felt embarrassed at that point. "....Will you just go? Don't worry about me. I know we're friends and shit, but don't be all up in our business...Go find some perks or something.." you said, in a soft voice. Billy and Finn looked at you, raising an eyebrow. Billy stepped closer to you and looked you in the eye. "..What?" You said, looking up at him. "Hmmp..." Billy scoffed. "You look pale" he said. As Al looked at your face, he seemed even more worried. "Yeah, your face is a bit pale" He said. "You aren't sick...right?". "No! It's my month! I promise" you said, hesitantly. Al took his glove off and placed it on your forehead to feel your temperature. "You feel pretty warm, you feeling okay?" He asked. "Yeah..." You whispered. The three looked at you, worried. "Why is everyone worrying about me at this time!?" You thought. "Should we call Sal? Or..." Finn said. "I think you should" Billy said. "I'll be back in a flash, then" Finn said, already running out of your cell. Al put his glove back on and sighed. "Give us some time, will you, Billy?" He said, quietly. "I'm off" Billy said, scrambling out of the cell. "I guess I should finish saying what I was talking about with the plan" Al said. A second later, Al took his coat off and drapped it around your shoulders to keep you warm. This was if not the first time you had seen Al without his coat on. To you, he seemed a bit handsome without his coat on. Al smiled at you, hoping that you would keep warm. "So, what were you saying about your plan?" You asked him. "Well... it's complicated...I can only say this so you won't be entirely 'angry' at me..." Al said in a soft tone. "I'd never be angry at you, Al" you smiled. He smiled back, but then his face expression changed again. He took a deep breath and relaxed. "...Alright...About my plan...once we go to the Golden Gate Bridge again, the plane would have to be built, we'd all have to go into our afterlives, get on the plane...and...once we're all at the bridge, well... it's gonna be a blood bath.....

           "We have to kill......
                                              THE OTHER THREE...." Al said, in a serious tone.

You widened your eyes a bit and looked at the ground. "Kill the others?...WHAT!?...No..." you thought. "Billy taught me how to defend myself and stealth kill against the dead, Finn gave me advise on how to follow my dreams but not go the same path as he did, and Sal....he taught me how to be a leader...". You felt like crying again. "...D-do...I have to kill you too?..." Your voice broke. "No....only the three of them...I'm sorry..." Al said, sadly. "It's okay...." He said, hugging you as you hugged him back. You hid your face in his chest, still wearing his coat. Al kissed your forehead softly to calm you down. "Sal's here" Finn said entering the cell to find you and Al hugging. "Did something happen?" Sal asked. "Why is she sad?" Billy asked, as well. Al looked at the three mobsters and looked back at you. "It's just her month..." He lied. Hearing Al in that tone of a voice, you assumed that he was trying to hide his plan to break the cycle from the other three just like he hid his escape plan before the five of you ended up in purgatory. You and Al pushed away from each other and looked at the three. Sal, Billy, and Finn were all making eye contact with you, with a sarcastic look on their face. "Tell me what's wrong when we're alone, meet me on the rooftop" Billy mouthed to you. You nodded slowly. Stupidly, you decided it was best to lie to Billy so he wouldn't kill Al, after all, you did have feelings for Al. A few minutes later after Sal had checked your temperature and let you rest for a bit, you had gone out of your cell without Finn, Sal, and Al knowing. Since they had gone off to grab perks. You walked up to the rooftop where Billy had already been waiting for you. "So.... what'd you want to say?" You said, calmly. Billy didn't say anything, he grabbed you by the hand a bit too roughly and said "What's goin' on with you?". "D-don't worry about me, Billy! IT'S my month!" You said, irritated from the question for the 100th time. "I believe you, but I'm pretty sure something ain't right with you" Billy said. "I'M JUST SICK, OKAY? I've been throwing my brains up for the past three days because of these horrible fucking stomach cramps! You, Finn, and Sal don't need to be worrying about me 24/7!" You said, with an honesty tone. Billy's face was serious. He never heard you have that much irritation in you. Your face expression changed to a guilty like expression after he let your hand go. "..You don't want us to help?....We're here for you, you know.." he muttered. You felt bad as he looked away to hide his face. "Dammit, I shouldn't have yelled at Billy...." You thought to yourself. "...Sorry.... That's part of the.." you said, getting cut off. "It's part of your cycle...." Billy said. "I know....your damn mood swings...they make you lose your shit..sorry..". After he said that, you didn't say anything else. You turned around towards the already built plane and sat down on the ground. "...Can we stop talking about this..and get ready to get back to killing those little fuckers..?" You said, emotionless. "Off we go, then" Billy said. He held his hand out for you and helped you get up. As you both walked towards your cell to grab your guns, you could see Billy looking at you. "You gonna stare at me the whole time?" You giggled. "Hah, I would. But no, I ain't a fucked up creep" Billy chuckled. You got to your cell and grabbed your weapons. Just in time, Al came running to you. "We gotta square up!" He yelled. You and Billy chased after Al as he led the way to the gondola to get to the docks. "FUCK! That's a lot of them!" You yelled. "We'd best try to get some more fucking ammo then" Billy said. "Where the fuck were you two!?" Finn said, shooting at the undead. "Rooftop" you and Billy said. "Bah, right. SHOOT THEM!" Sal exclaimed. Everyone shot at the undead, without getting tired. "EAT SHIT AND DIE!" Billy yelled. "We need to get the fuck off of this place!!" Sal yelled as well. The last zombie was a crawler, luckily. Which did buy the five of you some time to get a different weapon. As you approached the box, Al said "Ladies first". You smiled and payed 950 for a new weapon. "YES!" You yelled. Instead of holding your old mini uzi, you were holding the Ray Gun Mark II. "Can't wait to upgrade this shooter". "My turn" Al said. "AHAHA! This box is reading my mind!". Al got the regular Ray Gun. "Hey! We both got Ray Guns" you laughed. "That's what I like to see" Al said. "Hah! This will cut through them like butter!" Billy said. He was now holding the Blundergat. "Oh shit, now this is fucking heavy! This will put them in their place" Finn said, holding the Death Machine. "Gimme something good!" Sal yelled. "FUCK YEAH! Come to papi!" He said, examining the LSAT. "Finally, the box decides to give us some badass guns" Finn said. "Can't say no to that" Sal agreed. "Well, the plane's already built, and we all have enough money to upgrade...so? What do you say we fucking go now!". "Plane it is!" Finn yelled. The five of you ran to the rooftop. Since the crawler had died already, you all got ready for more hordes. "OFF WE GOOOOOOO!!!" You yelled into the sky. The plane took off. "YEAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" everyone yelled. Things were beginning to get bad after going inside dark clouds. "That's a strange fucking storm!" Billy exclaimed. Without being able to see what was going on, all of the sudden, the plane hit the Golden Gate Bridge. Everyone screamed as they fell off the plane, landing face first. As you got up, everything was blurry. "Oh shit...well, at least we can upgrade and forget about the fuckin' fall" you said. "Al, you can go first!" You said, smiling. Al blushed a bit and upgraded. "Ahh! This thing is beautiful!". "Guess it's my turn!" You said. As you upgraded, you almost lost your mind. "I LOVE THIS BITCH!" You said, holding an upgraded version of the Ray Gun Mark II. Billy upgraded next and almost lost it too. "AHHHHHHH!! I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS THING!". Sal and Finn upgraded, also having the same reactions as you, Billy, and Al. After the fun, you heard something that didn't sound good at all. "Somethings coming, SOMETHING BIG!" Billy said. "AGHHHHHH!!!" Yelled Brutus. "Well I'll be a son of a BITCH!!" Sal exclaimed. You and Al started to shoot at Brutus as Sal, Billy, and Finn shot, too. "I WILL BE REBORN, AGAIN!!" Brutus yelled as he died. "Agh, it's about fuckin' time that big bastard went down" Billy said, annoyed. Just as zombie screams were heard, five electric chairs appeared on the bridge. "WHA- Where the fuck do those electric chairs come from!? They just appear out of thin air!" You yelled. "We ain't gotta a choice, but to electrocute ourselves! It's better than being eaten alive!" Sal said. "Fuck it! Let's get this done. RIGHT NOW!" Billy yelled. The ran towards the chairs and sat down. "...We'll see each other there" you said, softly. Before everything went white as the five of you got electrocuted, your painful screams were heard. A second later, you were all in your Afterlife. You revived your bodies, and ran out of the area you first started in. "We have to go somewhere to kick ass!" Finn yelled. "How about the area by the Citadel Tunnels and the generators?" Sal said. "Good thinking" you responded. You all ran to the gondola and made your way to the Citadel Tunnels to defend. "Here we go..." Al said. Everyone shot as zombies ran towards all of you. "STAY ON THE GROUND, FUCKERS!" You yelled. "(Y/N)! Grab that nuke!" Al said to you, as he pointed at a glowing green nuke. You ran towards it past the hordes and dolphin dived to pick it up. The round was over, giving you some time to rest. "I'm gonna sleep....I ain't feeling so good..." You said. You had completely forgotten that you were still wearing Al's coat, you blushed and took it off. "Here you go, Al" you smiled a bit. Al smiled back and took it. "Get some good rest, (Y/N)" he said. "Thank you" you said. You walked through the prison halls and to your cell. "Why am I so afraid to let him know how I feel..?" You thought as you lied down. "You feeling well?" Billy said, startling you. "Oh, shit...you scared me" you said. Billy chuckled and sat down beside you. "Just came to check on you" he said. You scoffed softly and said "You worry a lot about me, Billy". Billy smiled and said "I care about you, after all you did take care of all of us when we would get  hurt". You looked at him for a while, then started to close your eyes. You went out like a light, unexpectedly. Even though you were asleep, you could hear your bed creak as if Billy had gotten off of it. "Get well, (Y/N)" he whispered. You assumed he left your cell, which gave you time to try to remember everything that Al said about his plan. The only words that repeated in your head were "We have to kill  the other three". Just as those words repeated in your mind, you began to have a flashforward. You could see yourself at the Golden Gate Bridge with Al beside you and the other three mobsters getting ready to kill Al. You and Al scattered to the other side of the bridge and shot at Sal first. Sal yelled in pain, bleeding from his side. Al shot at Finn, causing him to trip and fall, bleeding from his nose and chest. A tear dropped from your eye as you shot a Billy's head. Your last words to him were "Please... forgive me...". You gasped awake and put your hand on your chest, feeling your fast heartbeat. "... Don't have any second thoughts..." You said to yourself, a bit sad. "It's for your own good...". Finn came in your cell and had a medical kit. "How are you feeling now?" He said. "I feel like it's getting worse, Finn...what the hell do I do? I ain't at home to take any..." You said, staring at the medical kit he was holding. "Medicine?" Finn asked, answering your question. He opened the kit and handed you a medicine for the flu. "You can only take one tablespoon a night when you feel sick" he said, strictly. You chuckled softly and said "Your sounding like a real doctor...Dr. Finn". Finn laughed and gave you the spoon with medicine. You drank the medicine, trying not to gag from it's horrible taste. "Fuckin' horrible taste...gahh..." You exclaimed. Finn handed you a cup of water to wash the taste away. You drank it fast and put the cup aside. "Where's Al?" You asked, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. "He's down in the showers picking up the sheets for the plane" Finn responded, putting the supplies away. "We're gonna leave on the plane in an hour, I suppose". You got up and stretched. "You mind passing me my gun?" You asked Finn, politely. "Sure" he said. "Thanks" you responded. You both walked out of your cell. Finn headed towards his cell to leave the medical supplies in there in case it was needed again. You headed towards the shower room where you assumed Al was. To your surprise, he was. He was sitting down by the wall, closing his eyes. "Hey, Al? You falling asleep?" You whispered. "No, why? Did you get good rest?" Al responded. "Yeah, feeling about better after Finn gave me some medicine to take the pain away" you said, sitting down beside him. You and Al talked for a while and then stared at each other after making a few jokes. Al put his hand on your hand, making you blush. "Al...?" You whispered. "...When it's the time, I'll make sure they don't hurt you, (Y/N)...I promise. No matter what, I'm keeping you safe" Al said, placing his other hand on your hand. Al smiled. You couldn't help but smile back. It almost seemed as if Al's sweet smiles were contagious to you. After smiling at each other, Al leaned in, close to your face. You felt his lips pressed softly on yours. You kissed him back, resting your arms on his shoulders. You pushed away from each other as you heard footsteps coming toward the shower room. "You guys ready for the last take off?" Sal said, holding his gun. "We're going" you said, replacing your smile with a fake serious face. Al got up and helped you. You both followed Sal to the rooftop and saw Finn and Billy already waiting. "Don't we have to get in our afterlife, Weasel..?" Sal asked Al. "We don't have a choice.." Al responded, sarcastically. The five of you went downstairs and went into your afterlives. Now as a ghostly figure, you all went to the rooftop and boarded the plane. It rised off of the ramp and in to the air. Once again, the plane crashed into the side of the Golden Gate Bridge and you all fell, but couldn't feel pain. As you walked towards the electric chairs, you saw your body asleep. Everyone revived themselves and were ready to fight. "You ready?" Al whispered to you. "...Ready..." You responded. "This is your fault, Weasel!" Billy yelled, just as loud zombie screams were heard. "Your gonna die for real this time!". "Oh, no, no! I didn't do nothing! I'm not the bad guy...I just want it to end" Al said. Just as you expected, your flashforward was the scenario of what was happening right now. You and Al scattered to the other side of the bridge and Al shot Sal on the side. He shot at Finn, making him trip, releasing blood from his nose and chest. Lastly, you aimed your gun at Billy and saw the disbelief in his face. "(Y/N)....." He whispered. You shot at him, sadly and watched as he dropped on the ground, twitching a bit. You kneeled down next to him and held him in your arms. "Forgive me....Billy...." You said, nuzzling his head. His blood covered the side of your face as you cried softly. Al sat down next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. "...It's my fault.... Billy's right..."  Al whispered in your ear. You turned to Al and wiped your tears. "It's not your fault, Al...It's mine....please...don't blame yourself..." Your voice broke. You let Billy go and hugged Al. He had his left hand on the back of your head and said "It's okay, now...". Al got up, helped you, and then put his arms on your waist. You still had your arms wrapped around his neck and your head was rested on his shoulder. "....I'll miss them..." You said, still crying. "It's okay...." Al said, trying to help you forget about their death. "....Al?..." You said. "Yeah?" He said. "...Please...Swear to me....that you promise you'll never die...without me...or leave me alone...." You said, looking at him. "I swear....I promise" Al responded. You and Al leaned in towards each other. You both rested your heads on each other, then found yourselves kissing. Closing your eyes, you embraced him. "....I guess....the cycle is broken.....will it be broken forever?...."you thought.

            "Will they forgive me....?...."..

        (THE CYCLE IS BROKEN)~ Weasel x Female Reader
(Author Chan/Me; Oh my gawd, my hand is hurting sooo much..3435 words!? Well just the story it's self, not what I'm writing ÙwÚ. Hope you enjoyed! If you hated it, welp. I don't really give a f*ck :3 If you loved it, thank you <3)
Words in total; 3475

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