2- The doodle sheet

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I managed to get a few hours of sleep last night.  I wish I had more though... I get ready, Say goodbye to my parents and then Hannah and I walked to school together. We meet Kayla at the school gates and walk straight into Mr. Fischbachs classroom asking if he'll let us sit in here instead of waiting outside. He accepts and we go to our seats waiting for the bell to ring. We sat and watched everyone else fuck about outside. Sir asks me to come over to his desk. I nod as Hannah and Kayla are still trying annoy me because of the crush I have on our teacher. I go over to his desk and he asks if I'm alright now because of what happened yesterday. I smiled and say I'm fine and then thank him for checking up on me. I wonder why he cares as much as he is.. I'm just one of his students. The rest of the class piles into the room as sir tells me not to worry about 'her'. I return to my seat as sir starts his class off for today. Throughout math class Jess keeps glaring at me, which worries me because I don't want anything else to happen on the field today. The bell rings and everyone piles up at the door to get out of the classroom. Mr. Fischbach pulls me and girls aside and asks if we want to stay in the classroom till break ends. Hannah and Kayla give me that 'look' as I agreed and thanked him. Hannah and Kayla decided it would be a good idea to sit front left of the classroom. I'm now sitting directly in front of Mr. Fischbach. Thanks girls. He keeps looking over at us - mainly me - as he's grading papers. Loads of things keep rushing through my head like: Does he know I like him? Does he like me? He's your maths teacher y/n shut the fuck up! Break time finishes and we pack our stuff up and say goodbye to Mr. Fischbach. The smile he gave us made my heart explode out of my chest.


We walk into Mr. Nestor's history class. Luckily Jess isn't in our history class so I don't have to worry about her. I got bored listening to what was going on in the lesson so I started doodling on a piece of paper. My mind was only on Mr. Fischbach do I decided to draw really cute 'arty' things about him. Mr. Nestor realizes that I'm not paying attention so he walks over to me
- without me realising - and takes the paper away from me and looks at it. I blush the same colour as a tomato. All he says is "hmm." then walks back to his desk with the paper. I put my head on the table and my arms to the sides of my face realising that Mr. Fischbach is probably going to see it. Mr. Nestor leaves the classroom with a piece of paper in his hand. My anxiety flys through the roof hoping it's not the one I'm thinking about. Once class ends Mr. Nestor pulls me aside and thankfully understood that it's just part of life. (Falling in love in general. Not falling in love with your teacher) But... Mr. Fischbach wants me to see him in his classroom after school. I smile and say goodbye to Mr. Nestor and walk to my next class. Nothing but anxiety and nerves rushed through my body for the rest of the school day.

              --- Time skip to the end of the school day. ---

I nervously knock and walk into Mr. Fischbach's classroom. He walks up to me and says something that I didn't expect. "I know you're at the stage that in life where you're starting to like guys but, Please don't let that get in the way of your education. Mr. Nestor showed me what you made earlier. I found it pretty cute of you." He smiled. "I don't know what to say honestly.." "You don't have to say anything. I think you're doing really well in art class, Miss Midget seems to be teaching you well." He smiles. "T-thank y-you." I'm loss for words.. "Anyways you better get going before your friends think something's going on in here." He chuckles. The moment he said that my mind raced. I know he's not a serious teacher what-so-ever...but still. I laughed slightly. "Oh god, I know they're my friends and all but Christ do they wind me up." Sir laughs, making me smile. "That's what friends are for huh?" "Very true. Alright see you tomorrow sir." "Wait before you go y/n" "yeah?" "Bring me another doodle sheet in tomorrow. I'd like to see more." He smiles. I stood there for a second surprised. "W-will d-do, Bye Sir." "Buh bye y/n" I walked back home with Hannah and Kayla, We all talked about what happened today. Mostly about what happened in the classroom while they waited for me. I asked my mum if they could come round before we left the school grounds so and she said yes. We got back to mine and sat at the table and did our homework and talked till they had to go. After they left my mum asked me "So who's this guy you like?" I panicked not knowing how to respond. "I'm joking! You should of seen your face!" She laughed as she walked into the kitchen. I nervously laugh while mentally thanking her that it wasn't a serious question. I went up to my room and did what Mr. Fischbach asked... I made him another doodle sheet.

957 words.

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