Chapter 1

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" I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river and it made me complete "


Sitting on the bench outside of school grounds is the most boring thing to do during lunch. I sit there: just reading my book and listening to music like the loner I am. I do have friends, I have two; Luke and Sarah. They are the most amazing friends anyone could have! I mean sure, they are a little bit on the crazy side, but they are still friends!

Luke is the most amazing guy in the whole world. He is smart, funny, kind and well this will sound very blunt; but he is also handsome. Everything that I am  not. I fail every class, I am not funny at all; I have no sense of humor, I am not really that kind; I will give money to charity of that counts; but I will not give advice to anyone or be their 'friend' to tell all of their sob stories to. I am also not at all cute, sexy or handsome in any way.

Where as, Vicky is crazy as hell. She is like a friggin' ninja kitty! She could be like 'HIGH-YA-MEOW!' and go all diva on you at the same time. She is also very funny and attractive ( well in my eyes) She deny's it but my eyes see all.

Sitting here, on an old wooden bench just watching the world go by as I wait for the final bell to ring. If I have to explain to you why I am sitting out here, I will make it quick. You see; it's the last day of school before we break off for summer and since it's a Friday, I always have free periods on Friday afternoons, so here I am sitting outside on my free period waiting for the end of the school year bell to ring.

Sitting outside, it's cold misty air brushes against my face as a cold breeze begins to blow causing my cheeks to go pink and my nose to get slightly flustered. If you haven't guessed, it's winter. I know? weird right? Summer break in the winter, it doesn't make sense! Well, this is what global warming does to the planet!

Ever since people started polluting the planet via putting all of their sewage into the sea and using power stations to produce their energy, the pollution has just built up and so now; my generation of 5011, have the problems. We cannot drink the water from the sea or any lakes or rivers, we can no longer touch real trees and we cannot go to different parts of the world. The whole population either lives in the Aractic states or was known as the ' United states of America'  or in Suberbia or was known as ' Africa'. Those old names seem weird coming off of my tongue; they seem so ancient and well they just aren't our Anglesmatic language!

The world has changed so much compared to our history. The history of different continent's are non existent and food that you grow from plants is again, so unreal! The change is amazing. I mean, they didn't have Developers. Developers make us who we are! You either have the 'Good Developer' or the 'Bad Developer' and you would be placed into a parents arms not knowing who they were as you were made via tube-stitution. You were created with Anti-genesis ( A formula created by our scientists to produce new born babies with no qualities or looks but are then able to be programmed to be certain people and are able to be 'created' properly.)

This is where the 'Good Developer' and the 'Bad Developer' comes into play; you are separated into two piles, the 'Good' and the 'Bad. The 'Good' are programmed to be extraordinary. Handsome/ beautiful. Smart and everything that I am not. They are created to help to build the economy, to keep the balance of right and wrong. And the wrong balance is well us. The 'Bad' population. We aren't particularly bad in any way, we are just not programmed to be extraordinary. Instead, we are programmed to be ordinary humans, not particularly smart and are basically like weaklings. We wait for the strong to take us into their embrace and we serve them like they own us. Basically like slaves, but we aren't whipped or anything like that. Well saying that, if you are sold by your ' Match' to Alkazar then you are like his play toy. You either do manual labour, are his made or are his um... sex toy.

Now I expect you to be wondering what a 'Match' is; well have you read about ware wolfs? ( And don't worry! I am not going to say that they are real as they are NOT real at all!) But you know how they have a ' Soul mate'? well we have kind of the same thing. The creators pare up two people. Well saying that, they automatically programme two people to be together, They are the perfect match.  You can find your 'Match' at any age as there is no age limit and you automatically become theirs. Oh; I forgot to mention that the 'Matches' are always the 'Good' people. They take care of us basically, but you have the odd 'matches' that never work out and they are greedy and sell their partners to Alkazar.

Alkazar owns Suberbia. He is the 'creator' there and is trying to over-power our creators here in Aractic states. He uses his slaves to build buildings and to try to over populate his economy.


The snow begins to fall, snowflakes softly falling onto my hand condensing into it's water form yet again;as it is heated by my warm skin. I tug at my jacket's collar, trying to cover as much skin on my neck as possible as that is the place that you need to keep warm as it controls all of your body's nervous system. So if it gets cold, you are cold.

I slowly get up, not wanting to UN-balance the peaceful atmosphere that  has seemed to be created. I look around to see if anyone else has come out, but seeing nothing I slowly walk into the back door of the school trying not to make any sound that will disturb the lessons that will be going on inside of the building.

Slowly going through the portal to the cafeteria, I hold my breath as the stinging sensation starts to creep it's way through my body as inspector's check your identification as they scan your identifier which is located on the back of your neck

Your identifier is basically your programme, it shows examiner's everything that you have done, where you were created, when and your name.

So my identifier would say:

Name: Zayan Walterstern

Created: 4993

Gender: Male Orientax

Orientation: Unknown

Was: In the courtyard with Zackavitch and Slutode.

Harmful: No

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