since its been a year and some cents

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hello. it has been a very long time since i wrote on this book because to be honest i don't really care anymore. i grew up, i realized that this is stupid to argue over some anime people because in the end they don't exist and just leave well enough alone.

the amount of frustration i put into this book is frightening. i get it. but coming to other people's account and spreading hate toward them over anime people really isn't the way to deal with things. i left anime alone for about 8 months. there, i leaned there are so much better things on earth. it's calming when you have no one to scuffle with over things that will 1) never happen and/or 2) never exist. i became interesting in politics because the debates kept me interested, but after that it started to get stressful having to explain myself so many times, the same points, same words and everyone else. so i stopped it altogether and everything it easier for me.

if it's important, i had an extremely toxic friend group at the time of this book's creation, and the polarized hateful mentality in that environment that i was in caused the hate in the book. i don't care for drama, i don't really care for anything anymore. i have been fully integrated into a sport that consumes my time in a healthy way, with an instructor that cares about my mental health and monitors the people i'm hanging out with and will tell me if he thinks they are toxic. i'm involved in something better, i have talent now, and i'm proud of it.

if this is important, i don't like sakura still. she's never been my favorite and never will. that's just the kind of person i am. i like sasuke, although i feel as though he could be a better father. i don't hate sarada, but i feel really bad for her. as i have conveyed through lock boxes, which unfortunately a chapter of which was deleted because of fucking wattpad.

i believe i have said something like this before on my main account sharkiesblueeyes   . it's in my personal book, where i say how things in my life are going and stuff like that.

so in conclusion, i'm gonna stop commenting on this book. if you made it this far, congratulations. anything you commented cussing me out or calling me stupid is irrelevant now. i don't care, and neither should you. thanks for your time.

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