What goes up must always come back down again.

Start from the beginning

But Dorothy was overcome with a sense of bubbling anger. She stomped out of her house in a fit of blind rage. She couldn't quite work out who she was angry at, but first she needed a walk.

Maybe she would have given in to the idea, had she not come across the one Shelby man she didn't want to see.

Though she was angry, she had no desire to lash out or hurt anyone, so she tried her best to keep marching. Though she forgot that the two had a habit of late night meetings so there was no way of him not seeing her.

"Bonny?" She heard a small smile in his voice. Had this been any other situation, she probably would have squealed and pulled him into a hug prodding for a story or the inner workings of his mind.

Dorothy kept on walking, at least she planned to. She planned to until her forearm was grabbed and she was rugged to a standstill.

"Where're you off to at this hour, eh?" Thomas chuckled, no quite noticing her foul mood, "'m I gonna find you in the middle of the streets again?"

"What do you want?" Dorothy snapped at him. Very out of character.

Thomas blinked slowly, only now recognising the look of anger on her face. "What's this all about then, huh?" He tugged her a bit closer.

He was trying his best to be close to her, he didn't know why he wanted it, but he just felt safe when she was in his arms or her hand on his. Something close. Something meaningful.

"Oh I don't know!" She three her hands in the air, forcing Thomas to let go of her, "maybe it was the fact that I came home today, from a VERY hard day at work, only to find out my father has signed his death warrant away to your administration. At this rate, dad's gonna be dead before Mama."

Dorothy only blinked at her words, so blinded by her rage that seeing red turned into dark stormy colours that clouded her vision.

She was worried for her father and his safety, Thomas got that, "Look, he's going to be protected, as a matter of fact, your whole family will be protected. He won't be going around slashing people to pieces. He's very good with money so I've seen to it that he watches the books. Your father will not come to any harm while I'm looking."

He steadied his hands on her shoulders, trying to level with her.

She looked up at him through her eyelashes that had tear drop residue still sitting in between them.

"Can you promise that, Bubs? Can you promise that my father will not come under any harm while he is under the protection of Thomas Shelby?" She made sure that it wasn't the Peaky Blinders who were going to watch out for him, but Thomas himself.

"I promise. I promise that you will still have your father for as long as I can provide for you. As much as I want to Bons, I can't shield you and your family from everything, if I knew I could get a cure for your mother from Comptons chemist, I'd be down there before sunrise. If I could ever stop you from shedding another tear in your life, I would bring the sun closer to dry your eyes."

Thomas wasn't used to emotional speeches. They made him feel vulnerable. But Dorothy made him feel vulnerable, she made him relax and enjoy life. She made him able to stand himself.

After Thomas' words she only then caught up with her own. She brought a hand up to her mouth as she shed more tears, "Oh my God, Bubs. I'm so sorry!" She grabbed onto his elbows as she sobbed in front of him, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Thomas pulled her close, taking the chance to be near her, "I'm so sorry Thomas, I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry!" It was safe to say she was ugly crying now and was getting tears and all kinds of things on Thomas' shirt, but he didn't mind.

He pulled back for a second to look her in the eye after she calmed down a bit, reduced to only small sniffles now, "my Bonny-."

"Oh so I'm your Bonny now?"

"Shut up- My Bonny, you have too many smiles left in you to be sad."

Dorothy cracked a smile for the first time that evening, the final tears escaping her eyes as she still clung on to the lapels of his jacket and dug her head into his chest again.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry about your shirt. Tell you what, I've still got the shirt you leant me so I'll exchange it for the one your wearing now and I'll clean it." She didn't give him much of a choice as she grabbed his hand, still wiping her face with her other and lead him away to her house.

She called out behind her shoulder, "Don't worry! I cleaned it! I promise!"



Thank you so so SO much!

I'm really sorry for the slightly slow update, but her we are!

I've started adding the chapters to my tumblr which the link for is in my bio. There is no rush to look at it, it's only there as an extra source for looking at my work.

Thanks for the love.
Feedbacks and comments are wanted.
See ya next time!

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