“Victor?” I whispered, my voice nothing more than a croak.

He smiled and I saw his shoulders lower slightly as though in relief.

I looked up at all of the others and saw similar expressions on their faces. Had I worried them?

For a moment, I couldn’t understand what they were all doing in the living room with me but then I remembered.

I gasped and looked wildly around, startling Victor into falling back onto his bottom, “Where’s the girl? She was…she tried to hurt me.”

“She’s gone, Miss Sorenson.”

I looked at Master Blackbourne and saw nothing but truth on his face. I twisted around so that I was sitting up with my legs now over the front edge and looked between their bodies to confirm that the mysterious girl had disappeared.

I heard a throat clear and focussed back on them as they began to settle themselves into the couches. North forced the others out the way to seat himself on one side of me while Silas took the other. I felt tiny and safe between them.

“What happened?” I asked, looking around.

“We were hoping you could tell us,” Master Blackbourne spoke up from his seat opposite me.

I put a finger to my lip and told them as much as I could remember about the fight with the girl; Jade as they called her.

“She was yelling at me about leaving North alone because he belonged to her,” I told them hesitantly, avoiding North’s eyes as he gazed down at me from my right.

“Fucking hell! I am so sick of her shit. Master Blackbourne, she needs to be dealt with. She nearly fucking killed Sang because of some fucked up illusion she’s got going in her head.” North’s voice increased in level as he neared the end.

“I agree,” Kota calmly added.

“What I’d like to know is why Jade didn’t seem to remember what happened before she woke up on the floor,” This came from Gabriel but I saw some of the others nodding in agreement.

“What do you mean, she can’t remember?” I was confused. How could she not remember attacking me?

Master Blackbourne sighed and pinched at the bridge of his nose, “Miss Sorenson, how did you stop Miss Kalorie from injuring you further?”

“I-I’m not sure. I put my hands up to stop her but when my fingers touched her boots, there was a bright light. When I was able to see again, she was unconscious on the floor.”

I saw them exchange glances and Master Blackbourne sat forward, “Have any of you ever heard of a Goddess called Hecate?”

I nodded, seeing everyone else copying the gesture. Hecate was a less documented Goddess but she had been recognised in Greece for her association with Hades and the Underworld.

“What about her?” Luke asked with impatience.

“Hecate was a Goddess of witchcraft and Sang is the first person ever recorded to wear her Mark.” Master Blackbourne’s voice was ominous in its flatness.

“Witchcraft?” Sean whispered.

It scared me as I looked around and didn’t find one smiling face, “Why does that matter?”

Nathan spoke in hushed voice, “It’s not necessarily a bad thing but the term witchcraft is broad which means that we have no way of knowing what your abilities will be and then add that to the fact that you are the first in a new line of Chosen…” He left the sentence unfinished.

The Descendants Academy (ON HOLD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें