The Last Dance (1934)

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Britain sighed, flipping over his letter from the doctor. A single tear fell from his eye. He listened for the sound of water landing on paper... But it never came. He opened his eyes, realising it had fell onto his love's hand.

Soviet placed a hand on his fiance's shoulder. "It's okay love..." Britain smiled, silently convincing himself it was okay, that everything was going to be alright. But in the back of his mind, he knew that nothing was. The doctor said he was falling, that he hadn't more than a day to live. Britain was devastated. He didn't want to lose his only comfort. He didn't want to lose his calmness, his trust, his happiness... He wanted everything to be normal.

Soviet knew he was dying. He took the smaller country's hand. "Follow me..." And he lead the way to the empty, cold ballroom. Britain shivered slightly, before a scratchy, yet clear song broke out. It was enchanting, and it came from a record player. Soviet took his hand, and they slowly melted to the music, Soviet twirling Britain around, and Britain following his lover's moves.

They danced the night away... And they kept dancing, until Soviet slowly... faded away. He whispered to Britain, right as he completely faded;

"I'll come back, I promise. And when I do, I'll embrace you tighter than ever before, my sweet little prince~"

And then, with a flash of golden light... he was gone. All that was left was his black ushanka, with the Soviet emblem.

Britain fell to his knees, trembling, his eyes filling with water. A sob escaped his lips... And slowly, began to cry. He cried, and sobbed... and his eyes became puffy. He had lost his love...

Lost his love to time...

There was no turning back the clock, however he may try...

Free Me (a USSR x Britain story) (RERELEASED!) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin