"Pardon the intrusion," she announced upon opening the door. A small hint of surprise parted her lips when she lifted her head. It was loud, full and lively; very different from how it seemed outside. People of all shapes and sizes conversed like close friends. They didn't spare her a glance as she walked deeper in.

According to Ienobu's notes on the phone, she was to find a server with silver hair and a beauty mark underneath their left eye. When she did, she was to tell him that she was ordering a beef bowl without noodles. It was easy enough to complete and just as quickly as she had come, she was guided to the back.

The halls were dimly lit, and a draft sent a shiver down her spine as they continued in silence. Sayuri seemed to walk forever, as if the hall was constantly stretching the further they went. Ienobu was definitely a suspicious person. No one clean would be hiding this far into a building, let alone have a cover of a restaurant.

Soon the boy guiding her came to a halt and so did she. He reached to the wall, much to Sayuri's curiosity, what could he be doing? A sense of astonishment widened her eyes as the wall rippled and faded from reality, revealing a door. Now that is very suspicious.

"Ah, Miss Kitagawa Sayuri you are finally here," a familiar voice exclaimed. Ienobu stood up from his chair with a wide grin upon his slender face. Sayuri eyed him a moment before sighing again.

"I came because you requested it. I am here to pay my debt to you, Ienobu sir. Please tell me what exactly you want from me," she stated. Her back was straight and shoulders drawn back in a very polite stance, or maybe that of a soldier. Even when the man gestured for her to sit, she stayed exactly where she stopped when she came in.

"Ah," the man whose hair was a muddy purple chuckled a bit awkwardly, "it is true that I want something in return for gifting you those arms," he said with a gesture in her direction, "however, does that warrant such a polite relationship between us? Miss Kitagawa I want us to be good friends."

"Friends," she repeated with the quirk of her brow. "I am not interested in such things. Please get to the point," Sayuri prompted. A frown pulled at Ienobu's face as he adjusted his glasses. He should expect such a reaction from the young girl. Traumatized children were hard to earn the trust of. It was a good thing he knew exactly what would pique her interest.

"Do you want revenge," Ienobu inquired. The man, who stood about five feet and eight inches from the floor took a seat and crossed his legs. His fingers intertwined under his chin as he studied the blonde girl in front of him. Even as still as she was, her figure went rigid at the question.

Yes, of course she did. No sane person would let a murderer walk free after taking everything from them. The crease in her brow told the scientist all he needed to know.

"What I want aligns with your desire, Miss Kitagawa. In exchange for finding the one who killed your parents and little sister, I want you to become a top hero," he proposed. Sayuri was silent for a long time. Become a top hero? Why, what would he gain, She thought. Did it matter what he wanted? All she needed was to find the one who haunted her nightmares. Whatever this silver tongued man wants to do means nothing. I will repay my debt and get my revenge.

"How will I become a top hero when I can barely move my arms like I used to? I assume you have a solution," Sayuri replied. Another smile took Ienobu's face as he clapped his hands together.

"Of course I do, I'm not a genius for nothing. In order to enter UA and join the hero course, I will be putting you through some intensive training with Akifumi," Ienobu said. Her gaze shifted from the muddy magenta haired man to the server who had lead her in. He was short, and now that she thought about it, seemed a bit too young to be working at a restaurant. His hair was no longer silver, but white and his sapphire eyes seemed to dissect her very being. Sayuri paused.

"UA? It's nearly impossible to get into after entrance exams. If I remember correctly, that time has already passed," she commented. "Unless you've somehow gotten me on the recommendation list..." Sayuri trailed off, returning her attention to her benefactor. The gleam in his jade eyes already gave her an answer before his lips could move. It seemed that every passing moment added to Ienobu Usui's mystery. Just who was this man? If he could get her into such a prestigious school with no background, he must be very capable.


The word kept tumbling out of her mouth.

"I went to the administrations office while you were recuperating and told them it was the will of the late Iron Assassin and Karma that their daughter attend. Since they were practically on par with the second and third ranked pro-heroes, you were accepted," Ienobu explained with a thumbs up. A familiar emotion boiled in the pit of her stomach. Anger.

"You used my parent's names to trick UA?"

Ienobu held up his hands in defense.

"I didn't trick them, Miss Kitagawa. They already had you recommended. I simply reminded them of your situation and asked they be understanding about it. Thanks to that I bought you until the end of May," he assured. The flush on her cheeks dulled after a moment. Of course, that made sense. Her parents wanted her to be a hero. It made sense they were sending her to UA. Just when were they planning on telling her?

Ienobu cleared his throat and motioned for the kid with white hair to his side. Sayuri couldn't pick up on his presence at all. It was unsettling. If she was training with this boy, Akifumi, would she really become better than she was in the past? Somehow she doubted it. There was no way she would regain the mobility she once had in a month.

"Akifumi is very skilled. He will be training you for the month and will be accompanying you to UA. I hope you two can become good friends," he said. The boy clicked his tongue before averting his gaze. Sayuri knew that he was being forced to help her, anyone would be unhappy about it. Still, Sayuri bowed to the boy sincerely.

"I'll be in your care, Akifumi."

Thoughts on Ienobu? Do you think his intentions are good?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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