Chapter 11: Louis

Start from the beginning

"I promise Harry. Forever." Harry smiled, his breath tickling Louis' cheeks. He tilted his head and connected his lips with Harry's, colors exploding around him. It was nothing like their kiss in the car, full of desperation and goodbyes. This was slow, passionate; an oath to each other. Louis gave himself to Harry, melting into his body and grabbing his hair to pull him closer. The pain and worry of the past week faded away, nothing in comparison to their love now.

They finally pulled apart, both gasping for breath. Louis felt his hand instinctively reach for his pocket, but he didn't have his clothes anymore. He panicked for a moment, but when he looked up Harry was smiling.

"Looking for this?" he asked, holding up the ring. Louis' expression must have been priceless, but Harry didn't laugh.

"I was thinking about us a lot when they had me. About how much I missed you, how I couldn't give up for you. And I guess I realized that I was living for you, not just for me anymore. And now that I'm here...I never want to leave your side again." He took Louis' hand, dropping the golden band into his palm.

"Now you go," he beckoned, resting his chin on his hand like an eager student. Louis stared at him. This was not how he had planned this moment to go. But, well, none of what had happened to them had been planned.

Maybe they had to change with it.

So he cleared his throat and continued. "Harry, I've loved you since the day we met. Seeing you grow and become the person you always wanted to be encouraged me to step up as well. You made me brave enough to be myself and become the man I am today. You are as much a part of me as my heart or my brain." He took a deep breath, the words flowing out. "And they both, for the first time in years, are telling me the same thing. To be with you for the rest of my life, as long as you'll join me."

He shifted until he was sitting on one knee, then gently took Harry's hand. "Will you marry me?"

Harry smiled, his eyes misting. "Yes Louis, a thousand times yes!" He practically jumped into his arms, then forgot last second that Louis was in the hospital for a reason. Instead he pulled Louis carefully onto his lap, his face bright as the sun. Louis smiled into his jaw, then ran his lips across his neck, marking Harry as his. No matter what that dick Amos had done, he could never have Harry.

Harry moaned in pleasure, tilting his head. Louis bit his hair, making Harry look at him. "I love you," he whispered into his ear. Harry scooped him up, giggling.

"I love you, my small little fiance," Harry growled. Louis glared at him, ruining the effect with his huge smile.

"I'm not small, you're just a fucking giant." Harry tickled him, making his gasp with laughter.

"Whatever you say Loubear." Suddenly the door opened, a familiar doctor walking in. He froze when he saw Louis in Harry's arms, his scowl threatening to turn into a smile.

"Try not to pull out your stitches, eh?" He shook his head, walking over. Louis reluctantly pulled away and sat back as the doctor examined him. The man sighed in frustration.

"Or go ahead and make my life harder," he grumbled under his breath as he checked under Louis' shirt to prove that he had indeed pulled some out. He gave Harry a look, clearing his throat.

"Uh Lou, do you want anything from the cafeteria? Cause I'm starving," Harry awkwardly interjected. Louis rolled his eyes at the fake excuse, but he nodded.

"Maybe a burger?" he asked, and Harry smiled.

"I figured you'd say that." He smirked and left with a swagger in his step. Louis shook his head in exasperation, but on the inside he was beaming.

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