Back the way I came

Start from the beginning

He bears a beat-up wooden hockey stick, and in the dimly lit corridor pissed. She couldn't tell if the dark splotches on his hockey stick were blood or shadows, (Y/n) was not ready to find out. (Y/n) was about to run but Mathews 2p rab towards her quickly grabbing (Y/n)'s wrist in an iron grasp hurting so bad (Y/n) thought he was genuinely trying to detach her hand from her arm. He had a look of unrestrained madness lying on his face.

"Hello Y/N. Fancy seeing you around, eh? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" he says, a malicious smile upon his face.

"Viktor took his sweet time in telling us about your little plan, and so by the time we got to your room you were already gone. We were going to decide you and your friends fate tomorrow but it seems you've forced our hand, so we made it a little bit of a competition. Whoever catches you gets to kill you, it gives us an incentive..."

The look in his eye was terrifying Especially since this monster looked almost exactly like Mathew The worst part for (Y/n) knowing the real Mathew was in a cell going to be slaughtered.

"I may be Mathews Opposite but we share one damn thing in common, our entire lives were ignored, forgotten, never noticed. Always being out shined by Allen or Alfred. I loathe it. I've actually been following you for a while now in the 1p world, wonder if you ever noticed me, of course you didn't.

Unlike that damned Mathew who sits alone in his painting room crying about it, But now I've learned to use that to my advantage, my victims never see me coming. I can inflict a whole lot of damage with only a little finesse. But you know what the best part is?"

he asks, the deranged gleam in his eye growing more and more prevalent. (Y/n) loudly gulped the saliva buildup in her throat.

"I'm always the last thing my victims see, right before the end. They can see me then, they don't ignore me then..." He stares at you hungrily, tightening his grip on your arm still tighter.

(Y/n) bursts into tears. "M-matt, I-I never ignored you I swear, R-remember when m-my letters flew i-into that tree and you c-came out of nowhere just to get them f-from the tree? I-I wanted to thank you at t-the time b-but I didn't know w-who you were. I-I never ignore M-mathew either, he's my best friend. P-please spare m-my life. I know what it's l-like to be ignored, we can work something out just don't k-kill me PLEASE!!"

Matts grip loosened slightly looking into (Y/n)'s eyes just to see, maybe if there was even a slight chance she meant it. She actually noticed him, that's impossible, there is no way this kid could when everybody in his life ignored him, always giving Allen the attention but never him, not once him so what's so special about her. He gets so caught up in his thoughts that he drops her writ.

She manages to slip free of his grasp and take off running in the opposite direction.


he warns in a harsh murderous tone that will haunt (Y/n) for the rest of her little life, no matter how short it may be...


(Y/n) ran without purpose or reason, not really caring where she would end up as long as it's away from him dashing through halls knocking over anything and everything, even at this point not even focusing on saving her friends, knife in hand and left for the dogs. Clawing at the walls for a waypoint out. Finally, it felt as though she lost him. (Y/n) was more than absolutely out of breath and had lost all energy.

"I simply can't run anymore."

She leaned up against the wall panting, trying to calm her loud rapid breathing, and as she did she heard the rhythmic sound of footsteps approaching her quickly. Knife in hand in fight or flight mode. In the faint light she can barely make out a tan miliary uniform and the glare of his signature brown cap.

Eyebee ( 50's AU Yandere 2p!Hetalia + Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now