The Reaping.... My Reaping

Start from the beginning

But it never hurts to be safe.

"Finch!!!! FINCH!!!!" an all too familiar voice squealed as soon as I dismounted the last step from the justice building.

Mrs Baker.

I looked reluctantly in her dirrection, the bone thin woman was waving frantically in my direction.

I knew what she wanted- but it was last thing I wanted to talk about right now.

I briefly considered running the other way, but decided against it due to the fact Mrs Baker was about as smart as the average pile of rocks, she would probably chase us.

I reluctantly let go of Jays hand, and turned to Raven

"Wait here," I said then leaned into Ravens ear "Watch them, especially Jay."

A worried look crossed her face, but she bit her lip and nodded.

I turned and walked to Mrs Baker, who smiled at me warily.

"What?" I growl

"It's been a while since you brought us a shipment......"

"And? It's reaping time. The security is especially high. It's not wise to steal from them until they are preoccupied with the games......In theory." I say

"I know it's just my children are starving again," she looked down guiltily "You know what you do for us is .... Really amazing I guess. Nobody ever thanks you for it. I mean you and your group risk your lives so nobody in district 5 goes hungry and we can pay our taxes.... Like a modern day Robin Hood." she chuckled and turned her back to me and walked away......

I smiled, it felt good to get a little praise..... Don't get me wrong, I wanted to help people, just sometimes it felt like my work went unnoticed.

I walked back over to Raven who (thankfully) had both the twins at her side.

"What time is it?" she asked as if I would know

I knew she had a point.... We had to be at the reaping later, it was hard to even conceive that we had to be at the reaping soon, and we weren't even close to being presentable.

I bit my lip as I often do when I'm trying to think.

Turns out I didn't have to think.

"Your going to the reaping dressed like that?" A startled voice came from behind me.

I turned around, my two best friends stood behind me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Oh, my dear CRAP Finch!!!! You were cry'n!!! What the heck happened!!!!" Sunny screamed and pulled me into a deadly hug.

Blank, the more reformed of the two brothers, didn't attempt to murder me in a bear hug, rather just said "What happened, are you OK?"

"Mommy died......" Oriel said as she started to tear up again, even I had to hold back after the painful memory was resurrected in my mind.

Both of their jaws dropped, "What?" they asked in unison

"It's a long story.... I'll tell you after the reaping.... How long do we have till that starts?" I asked

"15 minutes." Sunny said so quickly, I could tell he was anxious.

I bit my lip, I guess we were going like this.

"Look, you guys we might be a minute go ahead of us." I said

Sunny took off imminently, but Blank lingered a little, "Are you sure you don't need help.....?"

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