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"Okay." I said and handed them all a sandwich. So who's story next?"

"Mine!!" The remaining children said through mouthfuls of sandwich.

"Settle down, kids." I said with a smile. After my breakdown they had me make them sandwiches.

~after sammiches~

The kids were running around the lounge playing with everything.

"Who wants to go to the toy store?!" I said enthusiastically.

"WE DO!!" They all said and ran down to the garage.

I followed them and we all got into a convertible, (it can change into a large family car but still have the qualities of a convertible) buckling them up we drove to a toy store.

We pulled up to the store, FAO Schwarz, and the kids all got out.

"Okay guys. Lets go get toys. You can each a dozen, or twelve. Okay?"

"Okay!!" They all ran off to pick out toys while some of the mothers there were giving me the stink eye.

"Who is she to be with children?" One whispered to another standing next to her.

"She's probably just the mistress." The other replied in a whisper.


"I'm sorry ladies but do you mind not talking about my life? And for the record, I'm the babysitter of them. Or if you ask them, I'm 'Mommy'."


I heard a commotion and went to where I heard it coming from. I saw a larger boy picking on little Steve.

"Hey, kid." I said in a gruff tone and they both looked over at me. "Leave my son alone."

"I don't have to." He said and went back to taunting Steve.

"Stop it." I said and felt one of my powers strain against it's bindings. "Let him go. You don't want to get me angry." I felt my eyes start to go purplish-silver and saw the kid get surrounded in an aura that matches. "Steve, come here."

Steve ran to me and hid behind my legs gently poking his head out from behind my legs. "He said drawing was girlie."

"Go find one of the older kids honey. Mommy's gotta deal with this meanie, okay?"

"Ohtay Momma." He said and ran off to go find one of the older kids.

"Who the haaale do you think you are?! Picking on a toddler?! Did your mother not teach you any better?!"

"I think I'm Micheal. My mother is dead." (Points to whoever gets this reference :3)

"Stay away from my kids. All of them. Don't f*cking touch a single one of them." I said and pushes a small amount of whatever power I was using at him. Lightly tripping him and grabbing a couple more sketch pads, colored pencils, crayons, coloring books, and a bag to carry them all. These were for car rides.

I walked back to the register to see all of them with a dozen toys each.

"Okay guys." I picked up the toys with my telekinesis and put them on the counter. "These and these." I put down the artsy stuff and smiled when I saw Loki got a stuffed animal. "Thank you."

The cashier rang us up. "Six hundred forty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents." I handed the cashier my SHIELD issued debit card and had him ring it through. "Thank you for shopping at FAO Schwarz. Please come again."

"We will." I called and carried all of the bags to the car.

That was the beginning. The beginning of a new era. And I will always remember that day.


Okay people. I need to know who's story you want to hear/read next. Anyone's whom I haven't done yet. Thank you.

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