Where am I going to go? How am I going to cover my trail? How do I make sure they don't find me? I can't take any chances.

She needed a plan, but her mind drifted. The sticky air of the humid Amazon jungle crept in the open door to her left and weighed heavily around them, as if even it knew the weight on her heart. The screaming of the monkeys and the macaws, the strangely calming chaos of the jungle drifted in as well. Fang closed her eyes, breathing deep.

The orchids and the water-lilies were fragrant and intense, with the barest hints of coconut from the Maxillaria Tenuifolia tickling her nose. Fresh fruit, poisonous plants, they enveloped her, calming her racing heart. The passion fruit mixed with the vanilla, acai berries and cocoa, with subtle hints of guava and pineapple.

A soft smile played on her lips as the foul scent of the poisonous Strychnine tree mingled with the pleasant aroma of the deadly but beautiful Angel's Trumpet flower. They all fell together into a unique scent, the most soothing Fang knew on this earth.

It calmed her racing heart, preparing her for the first steps in what she hoped would be the journey of a lifetime. Her eyes snapped open, burning with a fire long absent. Her mind raced, beginning with the basics.

"They can only follow my tracks, right?" Fang asked without looking at her sister.

Raven nodded, encouraging her. "Loose hairs, claw marks, anything, they'll find it and follow you. You have to travel light and fast, so you don't leave much behind." Raven stopped for a minute, listening. Fang was too preoccupied to listen to what was happening. After a few minutes, her eyes returned to Fang's pacing form.

"Raise is still out, he and Demi are taking out an avid show host and his crew that wandered too close, they're going to bring them back for dinner. You're safe for now, no one is close enough to listen in."

Fang waved a hand at her in absent-minded acknowledgment, too lost in thought to really pay attention. She considered the terrain around her. The coven was in the middle of nowhere, somewhere deep in the Amazon. After so many years of traveling from place to place, she had lost track of where they had been in the world. They'd been in Italy a few times, Japan, Russia, India, Africa, and at least a dozen others. They moved every decade or so.

The breeze picked up again, bringing some relief. Fang picked up the pace, preparing, planning, praying that somehow this would work. The coven had become so overbearing lately. She was never alone anymore. Always with someone assigned to stay with her, always someone there watching over her every move. She had tried to go on a hunt, see if there was anyone near enough to them that they could eat, and she hadn't been gone more than five minutes before Raislin had appeared and scared away the tribesman she'd been tracking.

Anger boiled within her. How could they still treat her like such a child? She was a grown woman, more than old enough to take care of herself. Her teeth clenched. This was all just so- "Alixica!" A harsh voice interrupted her angry brooding.

Fang jumped, startled, her eyes flying to meet Raven's agitated gaze. God, she wouldn't be so intimidating if the blue in her eyes wasn't ringed in that damned black. How the hell did she get eyes like that?

Fang chuckled nervously and turned to her sister. "Yes, you're right little bird. Forgive me."

Raven waved her on. Her eyes still showed curiosity as to how she would manage her escape, so Fang continued.

"Okay... maybe I can swim? I know I can't swim all the way, but I can make it up the coast a bit, far enough away they won't catch my trail. It doesn't matter if they follow me over to the coast. They won't be able to track me past the water."

In Full Moon's Light (Remastered) (Finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora