Muddy Mayhem

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Sofia and Hugo rode alongside the coach to Somerset Village, and there were a lot of mud puddles.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are there so many mud puddles?" Taylor asked.

"It was raining pretty hard last night," Sofia replied. "We have to be careful—there's a chance the coach could get stuck."

Suddenly, the royals heard someone groaning.

"Who's that?" Clio asked.

"It sounded like Sara," Hugo said.

The royals kept going until they found Sara, whose cart was stuck in a mud puddle.

"Oh, hi, royals," Sara said.

"Hi, Sara," Sofia waved. "What happened?"

"My cart got stuck in the mud," Sara replied.

"It looks like it's stuck deep," Clio remarked.

"I don't have much time to get it out," Sara frowned. "I invited Daisy over to my house for tea, and she'll be coming over any minute. I still have to get the tea and cookies ready."

"We can get it out of the mud for you," Clio offered.

Hildegard wasn't too happy to hear that. "All of us?" she gasped. "But it's in the mud—we'll get dirty."

"Getting dirty will be worth it, Hildegard," Sofia said.

"Thanks a bunch," Sara smiled. She unharnessed her horse from the cart. "Just take the cart to my house when you get it out."

"Will do," Hugo nodded.

"I'll see you later," Sara waved. She rode off to her house.

"I'll just get this bag off my horse, so he wouldn't have to hold onto it the entire time," Sofia said, getting the bag off and setting it down.

"Okay, let's get that cart out," Taylor said, getting down from the coach.

Clio and Amber followed Taylor to the cart, but Hildegard stayed in the coach.

"Does Sara really expect us to step in that and get our shoes dirty?" Hildegard blanched.

"Forget your shoes, Hildegard," Hugo snapped. "It doesn't matter if we get dirty—we're doing this for Sara."

"I swear, in my early days as a princess, I believed that if there was a diva contest, Amber would win first prize," Sofia frowned. "But I guess I was wrong, and it's not just because Amber learned to let go of her girly streak. It's not easier to teach you that."

Hildegard couldn't believe Sofia said that. Clio and Taylor went to help Sofia and Hugo get the cart out of the mud.

"On three," Sofia instructed. "1, 2, 3, push!"

While Hugo and the other three girls tried to push the cart out of the mud, Amber and Hildegard stayed behind to talk.

"Does she really think I can't let go of my girly streak?" Hildegard asked.

"No, she doesn't think—she knows," Amber said.

"Well, if you can learn to stop being too girly, then so can I," Hildegard claimed.

"Try proving it," Amber told her.

"Okay, I will," Hildegard said. She turned to Sofia's equipment bag and said, "Let's go to the park and play us a little game of tennis or badminton."

Sofia the First: A Muddy SituationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ