She was about to approach Levi to lash out or scream at him but before she could walk a single step, Moblit immediately stepped in, holding the brunette on both sides of her arms. Her hazel eyes that were once glaring at Levi shifted back to the worried look on Moblit's face.

"H-he didn't do anything to me, Hange. This..." The man looked like he was so lost on what to say. "All this... is my decision. The same goes for the others too. I...I was the one who convinced them to follow my lead. Their disloyalty just to follow after my schemes—I'm the one responsible for it. I'm sorry."

Hange didn't know what to say. She continued to stare at his eyes, weighing the sincerity behind it. Moblit is the one who had decided on this? Honestly, it was an absurd thing to say but it came from Moblit himself, what excuses are left in there for her not to believe him?

Despite the sharp pang she felt on her chest, Hange was still unconvinced.

She sighed, feigning acceptance. Moblit thought Hange had finally understood him thus he dropped his hold on her. However, what came next is that as if in a flash, she walked past him and charged towards Levi. Everything happened too fast. Hange was quick to raise her leg high in an attempt to kick Levi on his head but before it could even reach his face, Levi himself had quick reflexes as to why he immediately got a hold on her ankle.

Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance, his eyes pierced towards the surprised look etched on Hange's face. It shifted to irritation as she realized that her attempt failed.

He looked at her as if she's being idiotic. "Quit it, four-eyes."

This pissed off the brunette, pulling her leg away from his hold and Levi lets it go rather easily. However, Hange was having such a hard time balancing her footing since both her hands were tied on her back, thus she stumbled down and her butt fell on the hard surface.

The fall knocked her over, feeling the searing pain on both her tied up hands. Her eyesight became blurry since her glasses had to slip down to her nose. Groaning in pain, she had her eyes shut close trying to endure the painful fall.

Fuck this. Hange just wants to cry and think of all these as something she had hallucinated in her mind. Fuck everything.

"Moblit!" The way Levi's voice boomed made her open her eyes in haste as Hange looked at the two figures who were in front of her. "What are you fucking staring at? Fix her fucking skirt!"

Her vision was definitely blurry but she managed to take a glimpse of Levi who was watching her in such widened eyes and his scowl probably got worse. What is he looking at? She questions, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Before she could say something, Moblit immediately approached her in a hurry.

The night breeze that passed through them and the coolness she felt on her legs made Hange look down and her questions were soon answered. The hem of her pencil skirt rose up to her thighs and if she were to part her legs, her underwear would be in plain view.

Hange was torn between embarrassed for herself or be amused at their reactions.

But before Moblit could pull it down, Levi looked displeased as he suddenly stomped on his foot. "Wait, stop!"

Moblit looked baffled, immediately halting his movements as he looked back to Levi in question.

"Get away from her and get out!"

Now, Hange was definitely amused particularly on Levi's reaction.

Oddly enough, Moblit does as what was said and hurried off pass Levi, exiting the vicinity.

Hange was internally laughing. Was he bothered with my undergarments getting seen? The brunette intentionally moved her legs, trying to shorten the mini skirt's length.

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