Save the ocean

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The ocean is so beatiful  and theres alot of amazing creatures . us people's in the earth dont help the sea creatures and the ocean so please stop this trouble and help those creatures. for example we waste to much plastic or use alot of plastic and where does that plastic go ? in the ocean . then we throw at trash in the trash bin  not outside or on the floor. also we recycle . all these animals are getting hurt and people dont understand . also the water could  get really dirty and we need water to survive so if the water get dirty what do you think will happen next ..... HAVING NO WATER we need water like really need it we need to drink it , use it to shower and way more needs. so remeber save the earth stop throwing out trash in the groundn and learn the right way . we need these animals and we need the water so you heard it from me save the ocean !!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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