My idiot boyfriend (Yonghwa)

Start from the beginning

Yonghwa stopped nearby a table and chair. You stopped as well. "Here your book. Thanks for walking with me" Yonghwa give you, your's book and turn into the apposite direction.

You grab his hand and said, "Where are you going?". "Oh, little puppy don't want to be leaved. Hahahaha" He start to laughed. "I-It's n-n-n-" You hit your head with your hands. 'What's really wrong with me. And why do I kept stuttering when teases me' You thought as red taints visible on your cheeks.

"Little puppy blush. Anyway, I'm just going to search a book to read" You blush even more as you let his hands go. 'Little puppy' The word kept playing on your mind like a broken tape.

'I better get going' You thought as you walk to the sci-fic category. You search around and saw someone suddenly appear behind you. "Don't tell me it's ghost" You mumbled and peeked your's back.

"Y-Yonghwa!?" You jump a little and saw Yonghwa became so close to you. You move backwards step by step followed by Yonghwa. Unfortunately, you pinned on the wall by Yonghwa hand as he lean closer to you.

It was an inch closer that you can clearly felt his breath. You close your eyes with a uncountable heartbeat. He was coming closer...



"Sometimes, call me oppa. Little puppy" Yonghwa whispered on your right ears. You open your eyes and breath heavily. "You thought I'm gonna kiss you?" Yonghwa was on his smirk face. "N-no!" You denied and push him away.

'What did I do? It's so embarrassing' You thought as you walk away in a fast steps. "Little puppy! I'm gonna get to taste the sweet lips of ya" Yonghwa shouts without even thinking of the atmosphere. You didn't even give any glance and just leave the library as soon as possible with a blushing and fast heartbeat.

"Shhh!!! This is library, be quiet" The library scold Yonghwa and you heard his laugh. "Hahahahahaha, sorry miss bossy" He said.

You run to the classroom while still thinking about the accident in the library. "Why should I think about it? Wait.. my book is in the library" You want to make your way back but thinking about the accident, you decided not to go there and planning to take it any other day.

The bell rang after you sit on your chair. You're tidying your table before the teacher enter. And well, the teacher enter as the lesson started. You can't focus on the lesson since you're still thinking about the accident over and over.

'This is the first time I can't focus on my lesson. Ugh' You hit your head on the table and the teacher look at you strangely. "You okay?" The teacher said. You just nodded as you saw Yonghwa behind you smirking.


Guess this day will become over and over. And that's true. Everytime you saw Yonghwa you will immediately think about the accident and it make you blush hardly.

One day, you decided to come to the library to search for your beloved book. You even ask the librarian but all she said is, "I never saw any"

You walk outside with a heavy sigh. "What should I do?" You mumbled quietly and start walking with a heavy footsteps. "Little puppy" You felt yourself remembering Yonghwa. And you shake your head.

You felt your heartbeat faster again. Well, it's strange since nothing is making your heart fasten. The silence corridor echoing your heavy footsteps.

"You're searching for this book?" Suddenly an arms wrapped around your body. You jump a little and saw Yonghwa. You heart began to beat faster.

'What's this? Why my heart are beating faster around him' You thought and take the book that yonghwa hold. "Little puppy. If you want this book. You might aswell let me do something" Yonghwa whispered as you began to blush.

Yonghwa grab your hand and put it on his chest. "W-what?" You stuttered as Yonghwa chuckled. Then, he became serious. "Do you felt my heart beating fast?" He asked and well you nod. "I hope you know what this mean." He look at your eyes as if he was hoping for something.

You look at his eyes back in clueless. "Geez, no hope. Close your eyes" He said and you just close your eyes. And...  He lean closer to you. You felt his breath and just when you about to open your eyes...

Your lips and his met. It was a passionate kiss that you even lost in thought. And your heart are beating faster like it's going to fall anytime. Without you knew, you want to stop this time forever.

"I Love You" Yonghwa whispered on your right ear. You were blushing and can't uttured anyword. "Little puppy, I take it as yes." He said and pinch you nose.

"G-Give me my book" You stuttered in really hard blushed. You tried hard to cover it. "See, I told ya. I'm gonna taste the sweet lips of your. Just call me oppa and I'll give your book, little puppy" Yonghwa teased you again.

"Fine! Idiot oppa" You shouted at him and take your book immediately. "Finally!!" Yonghwa danced joyfully like he win a lottery. Who can blame him tho.

'I think I started to love him..... the idiot oppa' You smile as you walk your steps faster away from Yonghwa.

"Little puppy, wait for me!" Yonghwa realised and start to run, following you. Yup, that's how the little puppy and idiot oppa met.


Hi it been awhile since I didn't update my story. Do you like this story? Haha sorry for making Yonghwa ghe bad boy here. But you like it, don't ya *smirk. JK >.

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