Goodbye Mother

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WARNING: This chapter contains the death of a character. It is a little bit violent.

The four women were sitting on the bed, admiring the twins that were only minutes old. All of a sudden the door busts open. The four sat in shock to see Lillian Luthor.
"Hello girls. I'm here for revenge and this time you will both die. As will your lovers." She said with an evil stare.
"Lovers... really Lillian? You're an evil genius and all you could come up with was lovers?" Laura said with a cringe.
Then Lillian pulled out a case full of kryptonite, completely ignoring Laura's comment. She opened the case, causing Kara to collapse, but Laura stood strong... stronger than before.
"Kara!" Lena cried. Lillian looked at Laura trying to figure out how she was still standing.
"I guess kryptonite is my strength, not my weakness."
"Well. Then this should weaken you... emotionally." She responded. She then took her gun and used the handle to knock Natalie out.
"Now if I can't kill you today, I can at least kill your sister." She said pointing the gun at Lena. Laura ran with super speed and grabbed Lillian's arm and twisting it to where the gun was facing her. Lillian's hand was still on the trigger. The gun went off. The bullet went through and through, bounced off of Laura, and went back through Lillian. Lena sat there in shock, Laura flew Lillian to the DEO, not knowing what to do, cleaned up, and went back to her sister.
"Lena! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine... but Kara... the kryptonite. Get rid of it please!" Laura then took the kryptonite and flew it to the DEO as well. She once again returned.
"Oh my god! Natalie!" She said going over to her fiancée, as she began to wake up. "Nat! I'm here! Are you alright?"
"My head... I feel like I got hit by a truck."
"I'm sorry." Laura said. To be honest she felt relieved that Natalie was unconscious and did see what happened to Lillian.
"Oh! What happened!? Where's Lillian?!" Kara asked panicked as she came to.
"She's dead!" Laura said with regret. "I-
I killed her!"
"Laura, it's not your fault! You did what you had to. You saved me." Lena said in attempt to reassure her sister.
"It is my fault! I could have done three things. I could have done what I did, knocked the gun out of her hand, or blocked the bullet. I chose to do what I did! I knew what would happen! I CHOSE TO KILL HER!" Laura yelled.

Supercorp: Lena + Kara. ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora