Chapter 1

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*Lizzy's POV*

Ise walked throught da crowded city of Manhattan. Ise just escaped the girls version of the refuge which is run by Mrs. Snyder. She ain't a very kind woman. Ise has been moved from orphanage to orphanage eva since Ise was six years old, and was separated from me twin brodda, Tony. 

Anyways, Ise walked past a woman in a fancy dress. Ise wearin' pants and suspenders, boots and a cap dat hids me shoulder length blond hair. Ise don't want nobody to knows Ise a goil. 

Ise walked past a racing place called Sheepshead Races, and decide to take a look. Ise love horses, and Ise love to watch dem race. Ise sneak into de back and make me way to a seat. Ise sit down and watch. A brown horse wit white blotches is in da lead. Is decide to go the da betting tables up front. Ise make me way down, and slap me two dollas on da table.

"Ise bettin' on da brown and white one." Ise said, making me voice as deep as possible.

De group jus' laughes. Ise notice a boy wit a cigar poking outta his mouth and stick me tongue out. Then Ise decide it's time foi a little fun. 

"Ise gonna win, bois. Look at 'ow fast dat horse is goin'. Youse all as good as done already."

"Ise don't think so, boy." A man said. He is twice me height, but Ise ain't scared of him. 

"Ise think so, unless youse eyes are broke." Ise smirked at da man. They all laugh again, except of course, da man in front of me.

"Youse gonna regret dat, boy." He pulls his fist back for a punch, but before he could hit me stomach, Ise catch his fist. 

"Ain't no one messin' wit me." Ise said, twisting his arm behind his back. When Ise let go, and leaps away from me, rubbing his shoulder. Just then the crowd cheers. Ise turn to look and see dat da brown and white horse won. 

"Well, will ya look at dat fella, me horse won." Ise say, collecting me money and stuffing me pockets. Da boy wit da cigar groans. Ise looke up at him and smirk. Then Ise gasp. Ise slap me hand ova me mouth and try not to cry. 

"Tony?" I whisper. The cheering has died down, so he can hear me. He freezes and slowly takes da cigar out of his mouth. 

"Lizzy?" He whispers. Ise take off me hat, knowing he'll recognise me without it. 

"Tony!" Ise cry and jump into his arms. He rubs me back and cries. Ise cling to him tightly as he pets me hair.

Ise finally wit me brodda.

*Racetracks POV*

A boi comes up to da table and slaps his two dollas down. 

"Ise bettin' on da brown and white one." He says.

Wese all laugh, and Ise notice him lookin' at me. 

Then she says, "Ise gonna win, bois. Look at 'ow fast dat horse is goin'. Youse all as good as done already." Den he smirks.

"Ise don't thinks so boy." One of the men goes up to him. He is twice her height, but he don't seem to care.

"Ise think so, unless youse eyes are broke." He responds, make us all laugh again. Well, not da man he's talking to. He tries ta punch da kid, but he catches his fist and twist da man's arm behind his back. When he lets go, da man leaps away. Then the crowd cheers. The brown and white horse won. Da boi collects his money while Ise groan. Then he gasps and puts his hand ova his mouth. He looks like he's 'bout ta cry. 

"Tony?" He whispers. Da crowd is done cheerin' so Ise can hear him. Ise freeze. Ain't no body knows me real name, or me nickname. Ise slowly take da cigar outta me mouth. "Lizzy?" Ise whisper back. Da boi takes his cap off, revealing shoulder length blond hair. 

"Tony!" She cries and leaps toward me. Ise hold her and cry, rubbing her back and pettin' her hair.

Ise finally wit me sista, afta nine years of waitin', hopin' and prayin'.

*Lizzy's POV*

Afta wese calm down, he tells me his name is Racetrack now 'cause he spends almost all of his free time at da tracks.

"Ise like it." Ise say. 

"C'mon, Ise gotta introduce ya to da odda bois." He says grabbin' me hand. Ise put me cap on, an' allow him ta pull me along behind him to a newies lodge. He says dat most a da newsie dat he lives wit are probably already dair, and not ta let dem know Ise a goil before they all get there. Ise nod. 

He brings me up to a room filled wit at least fifteen bois. Two of them he introduces and Kid Blink an' Mush. Kid Blink has a eye patch ova his left eye, an' Mush's complexion is da colour o' mush. Then Ise meet Skittery, Boots, Crutchie and Snitch.

"Well, he knows all our names. What's 'is?" Blink asks Racetrack. 

"Ise Fred." Ise say. 

"Fred." Mush thinks if ova. "Nah, wese gotta give ya a newsie name. Wese come up wid one tomarra, when Jack can help us. He comes up wit most o' our names." 

"Who's Jack?" Ise ask. 

"Somebody say me name?" A voice comes from behind me. Ise turn around ta see a tall boy wit a cowboy hat and a red bandanna around his neck.

"Everybody's here." Race whispers in me ear. 

Ise smirk and stand on a chair for dramatic effect. Then Ise take me cap off, allowing me hair ta flow to me shoulders. Da bois gasp. 

"Race, what are ya thinkin', bringin' some weak goil here to a boy's newsies lodge?" Jack demands his face red wit anger. Race backs away. Ise step forward and push Jack on da chest. 

"Youse think Ise weak?" Ise ask. "And jus' some goil? Well youse wrong, boi. Ain't nobody goin' round thinkin' Ise weak. Ise jus' escaped da goils refuge, an' don' youse goin' thinkin' it ain't hard. They had guards posted at every doorway, every window. Ise had ta knock a couple out just ta leave da buildin'." Ise snap, getting up close to his face. "An' if youse hoit me brodda, Ise gonna hoit youse right back." I growled this time. Jack looked surprised. 

"Youse brodda? Race is youse brodda?" 

"Yes, me twin brodda." Ise say proudly. "Wese was orphaned and separated when we was six, and Ise ain't lettin' that happen again, youse hear me?"

"Yes, Ise hear youse." Jack said. 

"Good." Ise slip me cap back ova me hair, and lean back against da wall. Then Ise notice Jack smilin' at me. 

"Youse wanna be a newsie?" He asked. 

"Shore." Ise said. 

Race pulled me ova to a bed that was separate from the bois bunks. It wasn't even a bunk, jus' a small bed. 

"Youse can sleep here, away from all da odda bois. Youse can have da washroom down da hall, too."

"Thank, brodda." Ise glad Ise get ta keep an eye on me brodda and that Ise has me own bathroom. Luckily, Ise a mornin' poirsin, so Ise can wake up ta change 'fore da bois do. 

Ise a newsie for a few months, sellin' papes fasta than me brodda. Ise hide me real genda all dat time, going as Jazzer. Ise like it. Ise is now Jazzer Higgins, one o' da best newsies in 'Hattan.


Hi, guys! Okay, tell me, which newsie do you think should be her best friend. I'm going with Crutchie. Of course, she really like Race because he's her brother (brodda)... but tell me what you think anyway.  Tell me what you think in the comments! 

Spot Conlon: A New Adventure [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora