Fiddlepat x Flamingo

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Flamingo was walking into town on a bright sunny day. His friend FiddlePat inited him to enjoy some tea and relax with the fuzzy worms that were scattered around looking for a master. Finally Flamingo got some time to rest from all the codes and mysteries that he had to do. "Flamingo there you are." the voice of Fiddlepat was heard. Flamingo turned his way to where he heard Fiddlepats' voice. Fiddlepat was walking towards Flamingo. He reached out his hand in front of Flamingo. Of course Flamingo shook Fiddlepats' hand. If he didn't it would just be impolite. decides he was the one that was invited so he was the guest. "Come, follow me." Fiddlepat insisted. "Yes," Flamingo said then started to follow Fiddlepat.

They made it to the house. Fiddle pat opened the door and signaled Flamingo to walk in. Flamingo followed the instruction and entered the house. He was greeted by a red worm. The sound of a door closed and Fiddlepat walked past Flamingo and sat at a table with a tea set. "Sit down please," Fiddlepat ordered. Again, Flamingo followed what Fiddlepat instructed and sat down in front of him. "So, what's the worms name?" Asked Flamingo. Fiddlepat looked up then back at Flamingo. "I haven't really given him a name yet," Fiddlepat said. "Well then, can I name him?" Flamingo asked. In response, Fiddlepat nodded. After about thirty seconds of thinking a name clicked into Flamingo's head. "How about Greg?" Flamingo asked if the name was apprehendable. "Yes, a very good name indeed," Fiddlepat said. Fiddlepat picked up a pot of tea. "Would you like some H O T tea? Fiddlepat asked Flamingo. Flamingo stayed quiet for a moment but then remembered that he shouldn't be rude. Sure Fiddlepat wasn't the one that would hurt Flamingo but he was almost as weird as the other Grocery Gang members. "Um, of course," Flamingo said. The man with a pyramid on his head started to pour tea into a cup and handed it to Flamingo. Flamingo grabbed the cup of hot tea and took a sip of it. Flamingo's face froze and turned into a disappointed look. "Too...bland," Flamingo whispered to himself. The tea didn't have any honey or sugar in it leaving it tasteless. Flamingo sat the cup of hot tea down on the table. Unlike Flamingo, Fiddlepat was drinking his cup of tea with ease. After Fiddlepat was done take whatever number of sips he looked down to see Flamingo's cup of tea barely touched. "Do you not like tea that much?" Flamingo looked at Fiddlepat and shook his head. "No, it's just bland," Flamingo said. Fiddlepat started to pick up tiny cubes of sugar and put them in his own drink. Fiddlepat took a big sip of his now sugary tea and leaned across the table. He grabbed flamingo's chin and kissed him. While kissing Fiddlepat emptied the sugary hot tea into Flamingo's mouth. Flamingo swallowed.

After a couple of minutes passed Fiddlepat and Flamingo broke the passionate kiss. Fiddle pat sat back down in his chair. "Why'd you kiss me?" Flamingo asked very confusedly. Fiddlepat looked out a window. "All those times that we've hung around each other, I felt something in my heart." Fiddle pat said. "I've seen the others kiss you a bunch and I thought they were going to steal you away before I ever had the chance to embrace you, but now I've finally gotten to kiss you on your crusty lips." Fiddle pat finished his explanation. Flamingo got out of his seat. "I think I'm just gonna go adopt another one of your worms again," Flamingo said and quickly bolted out of the house. Fiddlepat watched Flamingo leave. "I'll kiss you two times when we meet again Flamingo," Fiddlepat whispered to himself. "I'll embrace you for the second time."


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