Before Everything Happened Pt 2

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Back on Ritchie and Brandon's home world, Selod,(is that how you spell it) they had three friends. One of them was Jakey's counterpart. Their names were, Kayla, Alice and Jackson. One day a horrifying event happened that people in their world had never seen or hard of before. Jackson got stock in a burning building, he died before anyone could get to him. Another building was about to fall and people were still trapped inside, young Kayla took it unpo herself to save those lives. She saved many lives that day but she couldn't save her own life. Alice, Ritchie and Brandon's parents won't let them go out and help their friends. One day Ritchie and Brandon were exploring the forest when they came across a portal and went in and never came out.

The gods couldn't handle losing their children so they re made them in their image. They brought back their children in the forms of the Fairy tail Origin wizards.

One day while Brandon and Ritchie were looking for recruits for their newly formed guild. While they were in Bri's jail Brandon saw someone he realized and missed darely. He saw Kayla's counterpart. Him and his brother talked to Bri about this for a while until they decided to recruit her. Kayla ended up leaving the guild because of David and his problem with losing his clothes.

What happened with the demigods was 3421 years ago. Now what will happen if the originals met their wizards form? Who knows! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

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