Capture the bunk mates

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5..4..3..2..1 I dart forward and grab the hands of a boy and girl standing relatively close to each other than dodge around a tall boy with sandy hair as I turn to take them to Brendon. As I turn to leave them standing with Brendon the girl I grabbed with a tall profile and Indian heritage almost starts to charge at me then turns to shout at brendon. I cringe slightly, I probably should have come up with a plan that didn't put Brendon in the spotlight. I hurry and sprint to a guy who will do our team good in a physical test. As I grab him he raises his eyebrows flirtatiously, I make an exasperated sound then roll my eyes 'Great choice Mazee' I think to myself. I practically throw him at the group of other kids, and he winks. I see the girl with red hair, that I had judged as being a unique soul sitting on the ground, arms crossed over her chest. I guessed right, I think to myself, and pull her, after much effort into a standing position. She follows me without much effort after this, probably amused with my stubborn attitude to have her come with me. The boy I was going to grab next, seems to have moved from his spot, since I was dragging the red headed girl to her feet. I look around, trying to find that boy with curly brown hair among the crowd, and whip my head in every direction. I glance back and see brendon looking highly unimpressed at my choice I was looking for, who now has his arm slung around Brendon's shoulders. I am surprised that boy with curly brown hair ended up over there, maybe Brendon pulled him over? I now am down to my last choice, which was the shy, small girl I decided on without much thought. She stands exactly where I first saw her, her very large blue eyes moving across the pavement, tracing it's lines and cracks. Avoiding the eye contact of everyone. I am a little more gentle with her as I start to lead her at a quick pace to the rest of our group. Her eyes fly up to my face as soon as I make contact with her arm, and is so surprised she jumps slightly. she follows without much hesitation.

As I am bringing the small blonde girl to the rest of us, I can see that Brendon has gotten the boy with brown hair off of him, and the boy is now talking to the tall indian girl, trying to calm her. While the guy who winked at me is trying  to talk to the girl with red, curly hair. She seems to be doing the exact opposite, by completely ignoring his efforts. And the boy I grabbed along with the enraged girl stands to the side eyeing all the people I grouped. Based on his neon green glasses and nerd appearance I think he is trying to figure the reason of such an odd pairing of people. When I arrive back at the group I pull the shy girl's hand up in the air and tell the others to do so. The tall girl that the brown haired boy was trying to calm, starts to yell that I had no right but Brendon cuts her short and pulls her hand up in the air, and does not let go. Everyone else raises their hands immediately, but the girl with curly hair that obviously has been dyed red from her naturally brown color. Does so rather slowly in my opinion, as though hating that she is doing what I want.

As soon as the capital trainee sees our hands raised he rushes forward and types our time on her tablet. He asks what our names are, and we answer quickly. The indian girl who still appears to be fuming, flips her box braids that reach the middle of her back, over her shoulder. Box braids have always been a hair style african Americans wore but in the last 10 years indian girls and women have been using it everywhere. And she snaps "Sieamma Patel" quickly to the trainee. The man turns to the boy I saw surveying my choices as I grabbed our last person. The boy wears a black beanie and has the skin tone of being sun-tanned even though it is winter. I can't really tell the nationalities of his ancestors before we all became of one nation, like I usually can. It's become habit because of living in a psychology community. We were taught very early on that color and race determines nothing about your character. But culture has influence on your decisions. He has brown hair, and wears neon green glasses. He says "Logan Silva", distractedly as he takes all of us in. The tall sandy blonde haired guy, that I grabbed based on the idea he would help out our team in the physical tests, pops his gum loudly and answers "Paris Johnson".  Next the girl with Curly red hair and light brown skin, that has been very reluctant to do anything since I decided to bring her into our group rolls her eyes and adds to the list "Ladeja Dean". The guy I saw with his arm around Brendon and trying to calm Sieamma says politely "Asher Holloway". He has Dark brown curly hair and green eyes and seems to be a really upbeat guy. They trainee gets to the shy blonde girl still standing by me and she keeps her eyes downcast as she replies "Megan Watts". In a small, tiny voice. The trainee gets to me and I say quickly "Mazee Cole" I just want to be over with this, and get a good score. He looks over at Brendon and meets his chocolate brown eyes, "Brendon Knight". The trainee nods, types Brendon's name and says we should move to the back of the crowd so people know we are a group. 

With Brendon and Paris leading the way we make it through the crowd effortlesly. When we get to the back of the crowd I stand close to brendon and look out at the mass of kids trying to find a group. "yes!" I say, and the whole 9 of them turn to look at me. "We're first!

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