(Later, he would stab someone very important. Ironically, you could say she got them stabbed...)

The crowd cheered as she won, just as predicted. The boss quickly shooed everyone away, and the maid cafe opened. Moments later a large sundae stacked up high was placed before her. Each of the 7 layers was a different flavor, it was topped with chocolate wafers and small pieces of sweet fruit, and finally drizzled with a criss-cross pattern of chocolate and caramel sauce. It looked like a goddamn miracle, shining in the sunlight coming from the street view windows. Sparkling in the seven colors of chocolate, mint, cookie dough, Oreo, orange sherbet, cherry vanilla, and peanut butter cup. A large red cherry was on top, stem as high as the heavens.

Though it was just a regular sundae, in her mind eye it's level was on par with the gods. Ice- cream was her favorite food, enough so that she'd buy plain and add things to it to make new flavors. Like tacos, or cinnamon. Why didn't they sell cinnamon ice cream in the store? She'd tried every flavor in the city, and her current mission was to go to every little bistro and try their supreme sundae's.

She reached for the cherry with her bare hands, ready to pluck it free from it's frozen throne. The spoon was stuck into the side, btw.

"Cherry's always first." She grabbed it free, and held it in her mouth to absorb the juice.

No one was looking at her consume it, the people of Japanese culture thought it was quite unsightly to eat without tools. All in all she didn't care, she was a gaijin, a foreigner.

"God, I-" She gleamed in joy, "I love ice-cream, gosh-"

The cherry slipped off her tongue and rolled to the back of her throat, where it got stuck in the small path that was right above her esophagus and windpipe.

"Shit! I'm choking!"

She leaned back, hoping that the little fruit would be pulled by gravity, but it only made it worse, it slid farther back, and no matter how much air she coughed up at it, it wasn't budging.

"I'm gonna die without even eating my sundae! Fuck!"

She grabbed her throat, a useless action. She pounded the table, hoping to get someone's attention.

Of course, the boss saw, but just thought she was in love with the food, so he ignored it with a cheesy smile as he washed a plate with a cloth.

She looked up, "Shit man, I never did nothing."

Her face turned blue,

"God, just send me to an afterlife with magical ice-cream, I'll die without it."



A voice echoed from somewhere,

{CONFIRMED! This request has been heard!}

"Who the hell was that? Just gimme my damn magic sundae!"

The item in question was right in front of her, glistening, taunting her.

{ Magicule regenerative longevity acquisition sustained and acquired }

The voice sounded a lot like an Al*xa, but through her crying eyes as she turned blue, she saw nothing of the like. In one last attempt to get the cherry loose as well as taste the ice cream, she bit a mouthful of the top layer, hoping the swallow action would push it down.

It didn't work, "Fuck me, fuck! It's cold, it hurts! Brainfreeze and I'm choking! Things couldn't be shittier! I just wanted to enjoy my life and I'm not even strong enough for this shit!"

The voice sounded again, 

{You have been acknowledged. Cold resistance acquisition acquired, Choking/Surprise/Flinch resistance acquired- combining set, Flawless Focus acquired.. Altering, Surprise nullification acquired}

"Can't this damn voice shut up! I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears! I'm dying! I'm dying! Someone help me!"

{You have been acknowledged. Sound amplification acquisition acquired}

"Everything's.... Going.... dark....I can't feel ....anything......God so help me I....I just wanted....to win at least once in life...."

Tears began to stream down her face,

{You have been acknowledged. Resistance to blindness, added. Creating a body with superior senses. Successful! Body augmented to retain current applied abilities. Superior physicality acquired, boosted luck acquisition obtained, alternating conditional physicality, successful!}

"Why is.... No one.. Helping me? I just want somebody, anybody to help me! I..guess I'll... Just....Die Alone...."

It happened quickly, One life over. In less than 3 minutes the oxygen flow to the brain becomes so depleted that the brain takes irreversible damage. No one noticed she died, only thinking she was simply sitting and eating like the rest of the customers. She died sitting up, her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Finally, after a few hours, the muscles became lean, and her body fell and hit the table smashing her face directly into the half melted sundae tower. A cherry fell out of her mouth, and rolled on the floor over to a pair of feet. That's when the boss noticed her pale, dead corpse.

{You have been acknowledged. Unique skill: Fatal Attraction acquired. Combining previous set conditions, successful. Creating Unique skill; Acknowledging voice. Skill upgrading, Unique skill has become Shrewd Listener due to existing physical conditions}


{Re-wiring Unique Skill; Shrewd Listener, to accompany host mentality. Re-wiring personality for hosts mental approval.......Executed successfully! Tadaa!}

{Personality warping due to host mentality....}

{ ...Oh.}

{Skill Evolving, Unique Skill; Narrator, obtained...}



So that's chapter 0.

Thoughts are italic, bold is the system, everything else you can probably guess. This is a '(Y/N)' Fic, but it'll be a while before your chosen name gets pulled out for use, I'm still not 100% on how I want to introduce you.

Also, I have a lot in my drafts, so an update might come sooner, but if there's a long period of time after the last update it'll be every 1 1/2 week/s unless said otherwise.

Goodbye for now, Travelers.

That Time I was A Nameless TempestWhere stories live. Discover now