Urban legends

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A/n: highkey live for this AU tho. Maybe multiple parts???

Au: ghosts.

You'd been working at the orphanage for quite some time now. After the kira incident some major changes had to be made to security, the successor program and classes. So you were hired as a psychologist to make sure the kids are all in a good place mentally.

It's been... years? You couldn't even remember how long you'd been here. It was right after the original kira case ended. But you loved all the kids here, things in the orphanage have definitely gotten better.

Although there's something that to the passer by, would go unnoticed. It's very very haunted.

Of course all the adults denied it and just let the kids have fun with their rumours. But you totally believed it. You knew about the stories of L and his previous successors and there was so much stuff that lined up and couldn't be a coincidence. Last time someone overtook Matt's high score left on the orphanages console after he died, the whole orphanage went into a black out and the kids score was lost. He tried again, and low and behold, it happened again.

Then there was the reports of jars of jam going missing from the fridge. The mysterious floorboards creaking at night. Bad luck being stuck to anyone who dared get at 100% on a test, kids thinking it could be Mello. There was a glass memorial case in one of the halls set up by Near, the last surviving successor to L. Inside was Matt's snapped goggles, Mellos scratched up rosary, a photo of Watari when he first opened the orphanage, a dried white lily for A. White lilies are placed on the desks of students that have died in Japan, Near thought it'd be fitting as As suicide was the first major incident at the orphanage. There's an empty jar of raspberry jam for B, as he adored that flavour. And of course, jar of candy wrappers of all L's favourites. Sealed with white candle wax.

A plaque hanging above it with all the names and dates of birth and death of the lost lives. There hasn't been a death since Matt and Mello. The Kira case just seemed to be the final blow.

That was the area people reported the most paranormal activity. Kids say they've seen the objects in the locked case move, or they've heard voices, seen people walk by and turn back to see there was no one there. And of course the kids have come up with many ways that apparently summon the dead orphans.

Offering candy to L. Talking to A outside his room which has been permanently locked and left untouched. Lighting a candle for B. Telling Matt about all the new video games that have come out as you play them. Leaving your test papers out for Mello to see so he knows that you haven't beat him in scores.

Kids who've claimed to contact the ghosts say that Matt is really chill and will help you find lost things, help you win games, warn you when something is about to go wrong. Mello is said to be standoffish but will help you with failing grades, as long as you don't piss him off you're ok. They say Watari will make sure kids are ok, if you hurt yourself, bandaids mysteriously appear within arms reach. A is said to be very sad, and if you see them you should talk to them as a friend or else you'll hear them crying all night. They say B is the scariest. You have to tread lightly with him. Never touch the last jar of jam, don't look him in the eye, but you can talk to him about manga. Some people even claim he's their sleep paralysis demon.

And then there's L. Some kids that claim to have seen him say he's dripping wet, it was raining the day he died apparently. He's silent, but helps you. Weather it be finding something lost for you, pointing you in the right direction or giving you signs. Just remember to leave some candy for him on Halloween.

Unlike all the other adults, you totally believed this stuff. You've had books get knocked over, the dinosaur game on google play itself, lights going it, and you could have sworn you saw someone with burn scars walk past your door.

But recently, it was the bowl of candy you kept on your desk. You put a bag of mixed lollies in it on Monday and all the redskins were gone the next day. You didn't eat them, no one was in your office that day. Then on Tuesday, it started raining in the middle of summer and your roof leaked despite having no crack or hole in the roof. Thursday? All your books fell off your desk right before your eyes and when you went to pick them up your lost water bottle was sitting there, it'd been gone for weeks and wasn't there before. And finally on Friday, right after you'd talked to one of the kids you went to go make some tea. When you came back, there was a picture of a... something, on your whiteboard. It looked kind of like a strawberry... but was kind of crooked, like the pen was too heavy for the artist.

You had your suspicions on who it could be and decided that you'd figure out what the ghost wanted with you.

Drawing a yes, no, maybe and can't say in a square on a piece of paper and then tying a necklace with a heavy charm on it to your desk lamp above it, you had a make shift pendulum.

"Ok... uh... I guess I'll just start then. Hello, I'm (y/n) and I mean absolutely no disrespect doing this. I have have some questions for the spirits of this orphanage..." you began.

You looked over at the windows, making sure they were closed so no wind could touch the pendulum.

"You can answer by making this necklace swing in the direction of the answer, oh my god I just got a shiver up my spine... ok... is anyone here with me?"

You watched the necklace, it was still. But oh so slowly started to swing in the direction of yes.

"Oh my god this is actually working. Alright... is this a previous resident of the orphanage?" You asked.

It kept on swinging to yes.

"Alright, I'm I talking to a successor?"

The necklace stopped, and started to swing in a different direction. This time pointing at no.

"So... I'm talking to L?"

Swinging back in the direction of yes, you were relived. At least it wasn't some evil spirit haunting you.

"Ah, that's explains where all the red skins went. Have you been trying to tell me something?"

The air got colder, you could practically feel a presence in the room with you. The necklace swinging to yes once again.

"Oh... how am I going to do this? Uhhh can you show me some sign so I have an idea as to what it is?"

The necklace stopped swinging, you watched the room, waiting for something to happen. It was silent and still until you saw the vase of flowers picked by a kid for you move.

"Flowers..? What do flowers mean...?"

You thought for a moment, trying to figure out what flowers could possibly mean to L. You suddenly saw the book at the top of your stack start to move, you watched as one book after another fell until it stopped. You picked up the book that ended up on top.

Loneliness in young children.

Oh... flowers usually are a gift from friends or lovers. And this book is all about coping with having little to no relationships.

"Oh... you're lonely?"

The necklace swung again, pointing to yes.

"Well you're welcome to follow me around and interact with me. I'm just not sure how to interact with you apart from this way... it'd be easier if I can see you... tell you what L. I'll research, find a way to talk to you easier, but in the meantime, you're free to hang around me"

And so began your newest mission. You'd been helping kids with these things for years, surely it'd be the same for a ghost once you have a solid form of communication... right? Looks like you're friends with the ghost of L now huh?

"For now though, I'll leave this set up and you can talk through that. And I'll buy a candle so you can light it when you want to talk, ok?"

The necklace swung to yes. Putting a smile on your face.

"It's settled then, I'll find some way to talk to you easier. Maybe even see you"

As those words left your mouth, you could have sworn you felt something brush up against your cheek. Something cold. Something that almost felt like mist. You'd take that as a thank you.

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