Hello friends my name is Naveen and
I'm not a handsome type of guy because I don't like much style because I'm a chmpu type of guy, I always wear glasses and without glasses I don't see anything and, My friends call me a study addicted.

Today is my first day in London and
I am going to my friend house his name is Rahul My friend first came to London 6 months ago and now he has started living here in and been didn't come in india even once.

he always call me and he used to say that you too come here. I don't know why and he send me London ticket . He always told me that is surprise for you. In the starting didn't feel like to go but because of a work i had to go.

My friend did not come to pick me up at the airport because he sent me a car to pick up at the airport.

The driver of the car that my friend had sent to take me was standing in front of me. He called my name and he came in front of me He took my luggage and put it in the car trunk.

I am very confused how this driver recognised me I was feeling strange but what could I do I sit in the car . after sitting in the car, i got busy seeing in the view of London . There was no traffic, due to which I reached my friend's house comfortably.

I felt strange when I got down from the car how different India is from London. I felt strange in London. My friend was waiting for me outside her house. I felt very different when. I saw her but he hugged me tight. He took me inside his house. But I did not know that someone else is waiting for me in that house.

When he took me inside his house at that time there was a small smile on my face his living room was quite big and there was a man sitting on the couch he was staring at me.
I don't know why all the questions are popping on my mind.
He got up from his place and started moving towards me.
He extended his hand and told his name.

Hello my name is Remo.

( He was giving me a strange smile,
I put my glasses up and I also told him my name )

Rahul said sit down both of you
We all sat down Remo was still staring at me and suddenly Rahul said.

Rahul - Naveen I think you are tired

Naveen - hmm

(And I asked Rahul)

Naveen - Who is this?

Rahul - Remo is a very good friend of mine.

Remo - Okay, let's talk about the rest after lunch. Rahul I think your friend must be hungry.

Naveen - Hmm.

After lunch, all three sat in the living area and suddenly Remo asked to Naveen

Remo - What do you like Naveen

Naveen - I like to read books

Remo - Why don't you do fashion.

Naveen - Hmm I'm always like this,
I don't like fashion very much.

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