Now you’re really dead!” I yelled to him as I came charging from across the field towards him. I heard him scream girlishly before running off with his shoulder length choppy brown hair blowing behind him. I was close to howling in laughter as I chased after him into the woods surrounding the park.

The branches and yellowing leaves scraped at my face and arms as I ran through the forest after my cackling best friend. “I’ll gut you Dem!” I yelled out to him as I followed his trail through the thick foliage.

“Over my dead body Laina!” he yelled out my full name. Now he was going to be shredded to pieces.

I chased after him for maybe three more minutes before his laughter stopped abruptly and panic consumed me.


“Lain! Over here! I found something cool!” I heard his voice a ways ahead of me and so I followed.

“Where?” I yelled out in question once again as I ran towards his voice.

“Over here Lain!” he shouted once again. After a minute more of running I made it to a small clearing filled with weeds and tall grass. I looked left and right for Dmitry but he wasn’t there.

“Dem, I swear if this was a trick to scare me....” I let the sentence run on in clear threat. Dem knows how I get frightened easily. I walked further into the clearing half expecting him to yell out Gotcha! He didn’t. “Dem seriously!? I’m leaving!” I yelled out.

Then I turned around to see him right behind me- hanging by the neck from an oak tree with a slash through his gut.

That’s when I screamed.

Then IT took me.

I was taken from my reminiscence by an insufferable pain coming from my upper right thigh. My eyes flashed open to see ITs nails dug into me and drawing blood from my marred body. I did not scream nor did I flinch. I took the pain stoically and watched as IT took sick pleasure in drawing the blood from my flesh without ever puncturing an artery. IT came down to ITs knees before opening a mouth full of sharp teeth and biting down just below my collar bone. IT ripped away the flesh from body and I saw IT swallow it whole.

“Cease!” I heard his voice command and at that I did flinch. He walked in sporting a tailored black suit with his hair disheveled and his face clean shaven. In another life he was dashing and every bit the prince charming. In that life I had dreamed of marriage and children and stolen kisses. In that life this guy was the person I would gladly give my life for.

Now he is the murderer. He controls the food. He controls our lives. Best of all, he controls THEM.

IT began to exit the room and as IT passed him he grabbed IT by the neck then once his teeth elongated, bit into ITS flesh. He tore out the jugular of the Douen before crushing ITS skull with one hand. I turned away from the grotesque sight and looked down at my wounds instead. Blood was seeping out slowly but I knew that in four minutes time I would surely lose enough to die.

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