"Oh hey," He said with a smile, "Where are you off to?" He asked me, looking down at me with his pretty ass eyes.

"Oh, I'm gonna go take a nap." I tell him and stretch my arms out in front of me slightly. Plane rides weren't very fun no matter how long they were.

"Okay, goodnight then!" He said in a cheery voice and patted me on the head before giving me another one of his soft smiles and heading into his room with the other boys. I walk back to my own room with a little smile on my face before setting an alarm for an hour.


I woke up a few minutes before my alarm was set to go off to the sounds of the boys yelling in the room next door. So, I quickly turned off the alarm before it had the chance to go off and decided that it was a good time to start getting ready, seeing that it was about 3:45.

I hopped in the shower, only to remember that everything I still needed was in my bag and had to awkwardly waddle out of the bathroom to go grab it. Considering that I wasn't the one paying the water bill, I took a half an hour long shower and let me tell you, that shit was peaceful.

I took my sweet time getting ready and made sure that I looked my best, knowing that I would be a part of a fuck ton of selfies throughout the night. By the time I came out of my room it was around 4:25 or something, and the majority of the boys were in their own rooms, getting ready as well. Not really sure what to do, I waddled my way downstairs where Travis and Cooper were playing animal crossing and yelling at each other about fishing.

"Hey guys," I greeted them, plopping down on the couch. They both wiggled around to make some more room for me.

"Hey." They both greeted me before going back to bickering like an old couple. I scrolled through twitter and Instagram for a while before getting bored and watching them run around for a while. After a while, the rest of the boys started to come downstairs too, starting with Charlie and Carson who were having a heated argument about something. Upon seeing the three of us on the couch, they calmed down and joined us, with Charlie making some comments about how the animal crossing characters' heads looked really stupid or something like that.

The five of us sat there for another ten minutes before the rest of the boys came down stairs, starting with Schlatt, who sat on the floor in front of me, Ted, who went right into the kitchen despite the fact that we would be having dinner in less than two hours, and finally Noah, who had clearly spent a lot of time getting himself together, not that its a bad thing. We all chatted aimlessly for another view minutes before I started to get antsy.

"Should we bring anything with us?" I asked, mostly directing my question to Carson.

'Hmm," Carson thought for a second, "Well they say we could bring some.. Uh... illicit substances." He said after a little while, making himself laugh. Cooper physically perked up at the idea and drew his attention to his friend in front of him.

"I can handle that, Travis, Ted, Noah and I were planning to go to the dispensary before heading over anyways." He tells the group, checking the watch on his wrist before going back to playing animal crossing. From his side, Travis nodded somewhat excitedly.

"Travis, are you doing drugs?!?" I asked him loudly, not really sure if he was in on it or not. He seemed so pure, it was hard to see him doing anything like that. My question made the group burst out into laughter, and instead of an answer, I just got a few wheezes from Carson.

It was about 5:40 or so when we left the house, everyone splitting up into two different groups to do separate things. Travis, Cooper, Noah, and Ted all left a bit early to go to the dispensary before heading over, leaving the rest of us to shove ourselves into Charlie's car. Carson and Charlie sat in the front while Schlatt and I sat in the middle row. The car ride was maybe 15 minutes and we were laughing practically the whole time.

We arrived a few minutes after the other group and I felt a little more nervous than I would have expected to. The four of us made our way up to the door and I found myself standing a bit behind Schlatt as something I could only explain as a defense mechanism. The uncertainty must have been clear on my face.

"They're not as mean in person as they are over discord. You don't need to worry." He told me, leaning down close to my face. The proximity alone was enough to make my cheeks heat up. Schlatt gently slid his arm under mine before slowly walking inside, with me trailing behind him. As usual, he smelled nice and something about him comforted me. The rest of the boys were standing around the kitchen counter with the presumed members of the misfits, chatting and laughing a bunch. Schlatt continued to pull me toward the group, occasionally giving me small smiles as he did. I clung to him, not sure if I did it because I was nervous or if I just wanted to be closer to him in general.

The first person out of the group to see us was Fitz, who walked around the island to greet us with his arms wide. He managed to get both of us in one big hug, saying something about being glad to see us even though I didn't quite hear him.

"Hey guys!" I heard Swagger yell out from somewhere in the room, making Fitz let go of both of us and make room for his other friend to say Hi. In the blink of an eye, Swagger or Eric, was standing in front of us. He was about the same height as me, maybe a few inches taller and was rather handsome. It was my first time seeing his face, and I guess I looked a bit surprised.

"No need to drool, Y/N." He said with a wink, giving me a side hug as he high fived Schlatt. Instead of letting me go like I was expecting him, he kept his arm wrapped around my shoulders and led me to a different part of the kitchen where Mason and Toby greeted me as well, both giving me a hug.

"You're much hotter in person." Toby joked, making me blush and laugh along with the rest of the little group.

"Damn straight." Mason chuckled, giving me some kind of look I wasn't expecting him. Even from across the room the way that he was acting was apparent and Cam yelled at him for being horny or something along those lines, making everyone laugh even more. The four of us chatted for a little while before Schlatt came and interrupted us. He stood between Mason and I, handing me a solo cup with what looked like beer inside.

"We're going to start grilling if you want to come outside." He told me, leaning down close enough to where I could feel his breath on my hair. I quickly said my goodbyes to the group around me and let Schlatt lead me out to the patio area.

"I hope Mason didn't make you uncomfortable." He said as we walked, looking down at me seriously.

"Oh, no, not at all. He's fine." I assured him as we stepped out into the backyard.

"Okay good. If he does, let me know." Schlatt said simply, his eyes meeting mine for a quick second before we joined up with the rest of the group who had huddled around a grill and found places to sit at a cute little table a few feet away. We sit down in two of the last seats open and I can't help but watch Schlatt as he talks. Could he have been jealous that Mason was kind of flirting with me? Or was he just being a good friend and making sure I was comfortable? Sometimes boys are so hard to read.

Every now and then, Schlatt would turn to look at me, briefly making eye contact and giving each other small smiles before going back to the conversation. At one point, he gently rested his hand on the arm of my chair as he laughed at a joke Carson had made. Without really thinking about it, I grabbed his hand and started gently running my own fingers on it. Schlatt turned to give me a questioning look as I did, his face pink and his eyes looking surprised. We sat there for a few seconds, just kind of looking at each other before going back to normal, his hand still in mine. It wasn't weird, at least it wasn't for me, and we both seemed to forget about it for a little while.

After a little bit longer, Fitz and Ted, the grillers of the group, called everyone together for dinner and before I even realized it, the party was starting. 


I know that updates are already really inconsistent and far apart, but its about to get worse! I've got finals coming up and the first anniversary of my school getting shot up haha fuck. So, uh its gonna be a little while before the next update, so I hope you don't mind. Also, thank you for the support, I really appreciate it a bunch!!!!!

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