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One: "Serves you right for ignoring theTommo."

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Muttering colorful profanities under his breath, Louis Tomlinson bustled into the Bradford High School's hallways, grimacing as his wet pants clung to his legs at his ankles.

Stupid rain. Stupid puddles. Stupid annoying sisters. Stupid piece of junk he calls a car. Stupid British weather.

Wrestling with his jumper and his backpack simultaneously, the feather haired boy roughly elbowed through the bustling students to get to his locker, wanting nothing more than to change into his spare pair of sweats and cover his damp hair with his favorite beanie.

Today was definitely not one of his days. And it was only the second day of junior year, oh joy. And also, just had to be the day Louis will get to see who else signed up for Drama class this year, him being the president.

His morning had started somewhat like this; Louis' single mother worked as a nurse at one of Bradford's biggest hospitals, and so had weird, but regular shifts.

But this morning, when Jay Tomlinson always had an evening shift, she had gotten stuck with the early morning shift, so Louis had to get up damn early and drop his little sisters to school.

And since his mother had woken him up in a hurry, and with his sisters screaming over his head, Louis just had enough time to brush his hair and change his clothes. And of course, grab a breakfast-to-go of burnt toast.

And then after dropping his bickering pre-teen sisters to their school on the other side of his own, it had started to rain so he had to drive slow because his car kept breaking down which was very hard for someone impulsive like Louis. And so, now a very unhappy, hungry and cranky Louis was extremely late for Drama class, one the days he was supposed to arrive early.

Huffing, Louis stalked to his locker with squishy shoes as he texted his two best friends, --the Styles twins-- who were God knows where at the moment. As Louis slipped his phone back inside his pocket, he eyed the path of his locker which was completely blocked by a gangly boy, head ducked inside the locker before Louis', which was against the wall.

Louis groaned under his breath. Couldn't the locker beside him stay empty? No, 'course not.

"Yo? Move," Louis said to the boy's back, who didn't budge, just kept rummaging inside his locker, rearranging and putting in his stuff. Louis tapped his squishy shoe impatiently, his scowl deepening as he shivered.

"Fucking move from my locker!" Louis finally barked, making the guy start and bang his head against the metal ledge of the locker, making him groan in pain as he rubbed his beanie-clad head. Louis chuckled in satisfaction.

He pulled his head out with a scowl, finally stretching to his full height as he glanced down at Louis, who admittedly had to glance way up at the boy, his breath getting caught for a second as his blue eyes locked with even bluer ones.

"What?" The bloke groaned, still rubbing at his head, making Louis smirk.

"Serves you right for ignoring the Tommo," Louis said sassily, making the tall blonde narrow his eyes.

"What do you want, squirt?"

Louis' smirk slipped off his face. "What did you just call me?" He enquired in a dark tone, stepping closer, his shoes making a squeaking sound, making the taller boy snort a laugh.

The boy now smirked, biting on his silver lip ring. "Nothing," he shrugged non-chalantly, now completely leaning against Louis' locker.

Louis rolled his eyes, now feeling the chill set on his skin as his damp pants clung to his legs. "Move out of my way, you stupid skyscraper," he muttered.

"What?" The guy said, now full-on grinning, cupping a hand around his ear. "Can't hear you from all the way down there," he said, chuckling as he noticed Louis' unamused expression, who was struggling to keep his calm as he clenched his fists.

"My locker. Move," Louis repeated in a deadly tone, glaring up at the gangly boy who raised his palms up, moving out of the way as he hitched his backpack up his shoulder.

"Chill, mate. There ya go," he gestured grandly as he stepped back; Louis kept glaring at him as the boy slowly moved back. He had an Australian accent, Louis noticed.

But oh, one does not piss Louis Tomlinson off on his bad days like this one. And one simply does not call Louis short. This boy must be new here.

"See you around!" Lip-ring boy called as he swerved on the heel of his sneaker, but turned around in a split second and ruffled Louis' fluffy hair, leaving him sputtering in anger as the new guy chuckled, walking away with swagger as a few girls eyed him with interest.

A few seconds later, he then painfully bumped his head onto the overheard cafeteria sign, making Louis snicker in satisfaction and the onlooking girls roll their eyes and laugh.

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[ A/N: It has started. I'm too impatient haha! So they already met :3

Hope you liked the first chapter! The chapters will all be short like this one, as this is a fluffy short story with a dash of humor. :)

Suggest ship namessss! #Louke? #Luis? They all sound the same as Luke and Louis haha!]

Beanie [Louis/Luke]Where stories live. Discover now