Blaise P.O.V

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I was playing with one of my million of pets when suddenly a owl flew through my window with my acceptance letter to hogwarts. (P.S this is first year!) It was a list of all my classes, classmates and school supplies. I grabbed my phone and went straight to my group chat with Draco,Pansy,Silver and Luna. ( P.P.S Luna is friends with them to)

Just got my acceptance letter to hw!
Me too!🤗

Really? Me to! So did Seamus.😥😏

Srly Silver?


Hey dudes. Where's Dray & Lu?
1. I'm a dudette.
2. I'm here! (So that solves 50% of your question)
3. I to just received my letter!

Thats nice. Wanna go to diagone ally together tomorrow?

Sure! But don't you need a letter?🤔😏

😒Har har Silver. I did get my letter to hw.

I would love to go!  

K! See you guys at the leaky cauldron at 11:30?

Very well.❤️💛💚💙💜



I closed my phone and started looking at my time table. As I look through my schedule my mind drifted back to my friends. Draco, my first friend.My mother had known his mother since they went to hogwarts. So I kinda had to know Draco. Pansy, the mom of the group.Shes the oldest and has the mist experience watching kids because of her three 4 year old brothers. Luna, my weirdest friend. daughter of a scientist luna loves the weird and the wacky. And last but not least Silver, my best friend. Shes insane. but we love her. She is the twin of Seamus and the stepsister of Oliver and the best quiddich player I have ever seen. I sigh and change for bed. I can't wait for tomorrow to come.

I am once again way to lazy to make daily updates so I hope you enjoy?

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