Prince of Stupidity, God of War

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, JJ" John B hollered at him as his friend walked back outside.


A few hours had passed, and all we'd accomplished was drinking too many beers and almost burning down John B's yard trying to build a bonfire. 

Pope and Kiara had gone home when the sun had set, and John B was back inside on the couch, nearly passed out with an assortment of empty beer cans beside him.

JJ and I were outside on the porch finishing our last beers and looking out at the night sky.

"You comin' Ti?" JJ asked me, ready to walk me home.

"I think, um, I'm gonna stay here tonight" I said quietly, not wanting to elaborate as to why.

He did a double take as he'd already started walking towards the street thinking I would follow.

"Oh." he voiced. I didn't recognize the look on his face, and I wasn't sure why he was reacting so weirdly. "Okay. Have fun with John B", he sneered.

"What? JJ-" I grabbed his arm, catching him as he turned away. 

"Whatever, Ti". He shook me off, like I was a nuisance, an irritating fly to swat away.

"What is up with you?" I retorted indignantly.

"Whats up with me? What the fuck is up with you! Since when are you and John B so tight?"


"No pogue on pogue macking, remember", he said, taking an angry step closer to me so he was so close enough that I could feel his breath.

"First of all I'm not macking John B, and secondly that rule didn't seem to bother you when you were trying to get him to make a move on Kiara! Why are you being so weird!"

"Fine. Doesn't matter anyways." He clenched his jaw, turning away again, as if all he wanted to do was to walk away from this conversation.

From me.

"No! Hey, you cant just do that!" I caught up to him in the yard, grabbing his arm again. 

When he yanked it out of my grip and continued walking away it made me so angry I shoved him. 

He barely stumbled, but he was fuming, turning back around to me. Finally looking me in the eyes. 

"JJ." I said, softening. "Talk to me." My voice wavered. We never fought, not really.

He laughed, looking up at the sky as if what I'd said was stupid and shaking his head.

"I'm staying at John B's because I'm scared to go home, okay?" I blurted.

He was taken aback, clearly not expecting the outburst.

"Wait, what?"

"I asked John B if I could crash here for a few days. I don't want to talk about it, okay, I just-" I sucked in a deep breath, looking at the grass in between our feet as he stayed silent and immobile like a statue in front of me, just watching me.

Finally, he ran a hand through his hair, a frustrated look on his features. "Ti, I-" He clenched his fist and for a moment I thought he was going to take a swing at the tree behind him, but he just clenched his jaw and came closer. "What did Barry do, Ti."

"Nothing, JJ, Im fine I just don't want to see him right now". I took a deep calm breath. "Come on, let's go back inside."

I tried to grab his shirt to pull him back to the house but he moved at the same time, and my fist jabbed into his side. He flinched visibly, as if I'd hurt him much more than I possibly could have.

I pulled in a breath, looking at him. My hands swiftly went to lift up his shirt, looking for the inevitable bruises he must be sporting underneath but he caught both my wrists in his hand, keeping me from doing so.

A weird part of me was hyperaware of where his warm skin touched mine. "JJ let me see" I tried to wriggle out of his grasp and he gently released my wrists. 

"Im fine" he deadpanned, emotionless.

"JJ" I whispered, not trying to lift his shirt again. "I know you're not fine."

Now we were so close the fronts of our bodies were almost touching. He stood still, looking down at me through his eyelashes as if inspecting me, a weird creature he just couldn't figure out.

My breath caught in my chest when his eyes met mine. It felt like it wasn't just our eyes connecting in that moment, but more. Like we were seeing more, something past that.

I was captivated in his eyes for a moment, and I'm not sure if that moment was a split second or minutes that we stared at each other both speechless. Frozen, all I saw was his grey orbs. 

I don't know if I'd imagined it or not, because just as fast as it had come it was gone. He jerked away from me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." his voice had turned cold. "Besides I can take care of myself".

He may have been the prince of stupidity, but he was also the god of war.

He abruptly turned away and this time I let him go without a fight, confused and defeated. 

"Goodnight." I whispered, but he didn't turn around. 



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