~Chapter 1~ | At Least You're Not a Bear

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"OI. YOU LOT. WE'VE GOT SOME FITTIN' SESSIONS OPEN TODAY. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. YA SNOOZE, YA LOSE," the thick-accented blond bellowed at the top of her lungs, catching the attention of all of the people standing in the garden.

She stepped down off of the fountain, high-fived Evie, and snatched her clipboard, flipping the first page of.

"Right. First. We've got ten slots open between an hour from now and eight tonight. Five spots for the lads, same for the ladies. No complainin' that you didn't get a spot, there are other days." she tapped her pen again the clipboard impatiently. After a moment of silence

"Me!" Lonnie jumped up excitedly, earning a raised eyebrow from Ryllian and a laugh from Evie.


"You're alright, lass," Ryllian said with a chuckle. "We'll put you in. Meet up in our dorm no less than an hour from now."

Lonnie nodded and rushed off to her dorms, as a select few other students, including Jane, Jay, and Carlos, stepped up to get a slot for the day.

Evie nodded approvingly at her friend, who stalked back to her with a haughty grin. 

"See," Ryllian grinned. "Ten minutes, tops. Raise  your voice, Evie. It makes things more efficient."

"Ryl, you know that I can't raise my voice. I have fragile vocal chords." Evie pointed out.

Ryllian knew that Evie took particular care of her breathing and speaking- it's why her voice was melodious as it was. 

"Fair enough. You're the singer, I'm the screamer. We don't harmonize well," Ryllian joked, causing Evie to laugh.

She pulled Ryllian's arm and sighed, "Come on. We've got to get up to our dorm so we can get everything set up for the fittings. You know how picky some of these people can get when things don't go their way."

Ryllian nodded and ran a hand though her hair, her fingers catching in a knot. She fiddled with it for a moment as she walked into the school, but ultimately decided her attempts were futile, and she dropped the lock of hair back over her shoulder.

Her boots clacked up the stairs, much deeper-sounding in the stark contrast to Evie's sharp heel-clacking.

Up in the dorms, the duo spent the remaining hour laying out fabrics and baubles, and prepping the mannequins. Mal was having out with the guys today in their dorm, so Evie and Ryllian had the place all to themselves. 

Ryllian had sat herself down on a bed, and was fiddling with a long, metal coil and a pair of pliers when they heard a knock on the door. Evie squealed excitedly as Lonnie and Jane showed up in their room.

Evie took Lonnie by the hand and dragged her over to her pedestal to pick through fabrics, while Ryllian looked Jane dead in the face and beckons her over with a finger.

Jane gulped and sat down in the vanity chair, but her concerned expression faded when Ryllian smiled gently- something she hardly ever did. She moved behind the chair and spun Jane around to face her. Ryllian sat down on the bed again and looked at Jane thoughtfully.

"What color are you looking for? Maybe a light blue or pastel purple?"

Jane nodded enthusiastically as Ryllian tossed her a sketchbook. 

"Take a peek though and decide on the style you want. This is just the basic shape- we'll add the personal flair later." Jane grinned excitedly and began flicking though the pages.

Five minutes later, a design, a dress, and a fabric were all picked out, and Ryllian led Jane to the pedestal to take measurements.

"Alright mind yourself, lass. I'm gonna be all up in your business, but it should only take a few minutes. Just don't smack me, will ye?" she warned the girl on the pedestal.

"Alright then."

Ryllian pulled out a notepad and her measuring tape, then gestured for Jane to hold her arm up.

"So," she started, looking down at the blonde. "You planning on going to the Cotillion with anyone?" 

Ryllian cast a sneaky smirk at the girl, "Are you is the real question, aye?"

Jane shook her head frantically, "N-no. There's nobody I want to- I mean... Nobody's asked me." She stumbled over her words a bit.

"Rumor has it that Carlos has a big smile for ya. Maybe thats something to keep an eye out for. " Ryllian prodded her waist, causing her to squeal.

"I d-don't know what you're talking about." Jane stammered, her cheeks flushing pinker than Lonnie's dress in the works.

"Aye. I'm sure you do." Ryllian hummed. Jane sighed, her breath sharpening as the measuring tape tickled her. Ryllian narrowed her eyes at the squirming girl. "I will poke you," Ryllian held up one of the pins in her hand.

"Sorry. It's just that- well. He wouldn't want to ask me. He's a VK, and super easy going. I'm a mess." she groaned.

Ryllian stood and looked Jane in the eyes, placing her hands on either one of her shoulders.

"Just think about it this way, lass."

"What way?"

"At least you're not a bear."

Swiftly - Harry HookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum