Chapter 179: Rescued

Start from the beginning

There was nothing remarkable on the two sides of the Yangtze River, only low mountain peaks and bushy roads.

Murong Ke stopped and stared at a scout, who lowered his head to say: "My lord, there's nothing irregular ahead."

There was uncertainty in his voice this time. They had said the same thing on the last similar road.

Murong Ke retracted his gaze to only say: "Be on your watch. There are dense grasses, beware of their fire attack."


This translation belongs to h@mster428.

They continued to move forward.

As they went, Murong Ke's low voice was heard: "How far are we from Murong Yu's troops?"

"Still another fifty miles, my lord."

"Got it."

He looked up and stared ahead. "The perpetrator must have been your man's bodyguard," he suddenly said.

"The bodyguards of the Jin upper class are the funniest. They have no real skills but a lot of tricks up their sleeves." If there were that many people involved in the ambush, they wouldn't have been able to hide from his scouts.

Chen Rong did not answer.

After pausing for a while, Murong Ke suddenly said, "Even with 3000 fewer men, I can still rob them of their goods. If he dares to come, the same can be said about his life."

Seeing that Chen Rong remained unspeaking, Murong Ke looked down at her: "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Rong shook her head. "I'm just a woman. I don't follow your words, Your Highness."

As soon as she said this, Murong Ke felt a little ashamed and couldn't help thinking: Yes, why did I forget that she's just an ordinary woman.

He no longer paid attention to Chen Rong. He bowed his head at this time and thought to himself: It was just a message from Mo'yang and yet I was led out of my nest. Not only did he resolve all the laid out traps, but he also turned the situation around and led me by the nose... Wang Qilang is really something.

The group continued to move forward.

As they went, a tragic scream sounded behind them. Chen Rong turned around to see a sea of fire. The fire wasn't ignited in the middle of the cavalcade, but towards the end of it. Thick smoke followed the wind to relentlessly drown the Hu.

Still, using fire to attack?

Just as Chen Rong stared wide-eyed, Murong Ke shouted: "Don't panic. Cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves and move slowly."

People at once took his order and went on.

Even so, the smoke was so suffocating that the horses could not remain unaffected. Neighs, screams, and panicking sounds ensued.

As Murong Ke urged his horse to gallop out, all of a sudden, smoke billowed on the hillside. Everyone lifted his head to see a shroud of pervading dust. It was as if countless people were raising sandbags to throw at them.

The soldiers were undoubtedly panicking by now.

A captain hurriedly approached and relayed to Murong Ke: "It doesn't look good, my lord. Our people saw billowing smoke some miles from here, and large troops riding toward us." A pause. "They have about a thousand men."

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