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It was a very well known fact that many people viewed Hogwarts as a second home or a home away from home

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It was a very well known fact that many people viewed Hogwarts as a second home or a home away from home. But for some witches and wizards Hogwarts was their only home. They of course had houses where their parents or siblings lived, but there is a big difference between a home and a house. A home is where you feel loved and safe, where a house was simply a place people lived. Soon Charlotte Cresswell was going to learn the difference the hard way.

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Charlotte had just received her letter to Hogwarts and well she was very excited. I mean who wouldn't be? A chance to learn magic was something every witch and wizard was looking forward to. Of course she already knew about magic because she was a pureblood and her older brother already attended Hogwarts. But that could not have made this moment any less exciting.

Dear Ms. Charlotte Cresswell

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgongall

Deputy Headmistress

Charlotte looked at all the items she was required to get and nearly squealed when she saw she would be allowed to bring a pet. She was never allowed to have one, but she always dreamed of having a kitten. But she knew she would have to find a way to get out of going to Diagon Alley with her mother if she wanted a pet.

She could maybe ask to go with her brother or she may even be able to even convince her mother she was old enough to go by herself. She dressed in emerald wizarding robes that brought out the color of her hair and walked downstairs. "Mother?" she asked looking around for her.

"In the kitchen, Charlotte," her mother replied. She quickly followed her voice to the kitchen where her mother was sitting. After convincing her mother which took around an hour she was finally handed enough money and told she could go as long as she would stop talking so much.

Charlotte did not take it personally, but the more times her mother said it the closer she was to just becoming mute to stop getting yelled at. She quickly shook away the bad thoughts and used the floo network to get to Diagon Alley.

When she arrived she looked down at her list and thought about where she could go first. The first item on the long list was three sets of plain black robes. Of course Charlotte knew where she could get these because just about three years ago she went with her family to retrieve her brother's robes. She looked around and spotted a building that had Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions on the front.

She quickly walked there not wanted to waste anytime. When she entered the owner asked for her name and began fitting her for her robes. She could see one other person in the shop. It was a boy who looked around her age with shoulder length black hair and boy was he handsome. Charlotte got a little bit too carried away staring at him and eventually they made eye contact. Charlotte quickly looked away and occupied herself with fiddling with her robes.

When Madam Malkin was done she handed the robes to Charlotte and wished her well. As she was closing the door she saw the same boy again, but this time he was smiling at her. No one ever smiled at Charlotte Cresswell ever. She was not even sure her parents knew what smiling was, but she quickly smiled back and dashed to the next shop.

The next few things on her list could all be found at a tiny store right next to Madam Malkin's. There she bought a pointed hat, protective gloves, and a winter cloak. Her next destination was Flourish and Blotts.  She knew this was going to be her favorite store because the place was packed with books. First she grabbed all the necessary books she need to have for school, then she went looked for a few extras. She picked out a book about astronomy, one about magical creatures, and even one about the history of Hogwarts.

Next up she went into a random store hoping she would find what she needed because let's be honest, she did not remember all the stores her brother had visited. Thankfully she picked the right store and was able to get the rest of the supplies she needed for schools besides of course a pet.

Her last stop was the pet shop about a half of a mile away from the store she was in now. At this point she was sure she wanted a pet cat. When she opened the door she was greeting by an old lady and pointed in the direction of the cats. There were so many cats of different colors and sizes, but finally she decided on a small kitten with ginger fur to match her own redhair.

She gasped as she realized how she had almost forgotten to get her wand. How could she had been so careless, a wand was the most important thing on the entire list. She quickly made her way to Olivander's wand shop.

Mr. Olivander was a sweet old man. After measuring the length of her arm and asking her several questions he handed her a beautifully crafted wand. He had told her that it was a 11 inch wand with cherry wood and a unicorn hair core. She was very pleased and securely put her wand safely in her bag.

After paying for the wand she saw that the sun was setting and soon it would get dark. She hid the kitten in her robes and used the floo network to get back to her house. After she was securely back in her bedroom she set the kitten on her bed and began packing her trunk with her school supplies and any essentials she thought she would need.

She would be leaving in two months time and even though that currently felt like a long time she was still as excited as she could be. Deciding to skip supper so her parents could not ruin her good mood she took a shower and snuggled up in bed with her kitten, whom she had finally named Artemis.

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