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left hand free • alt-j
this is cori's favorite song.
she never lets me play
anything else, says
"i'd be like betraying it!"

where is my mind • the pixies
when i finally got her to play something
else, it was this song. she says the pixies
will never get old.

island in the sun • weezer
when i finally convinced cori to
let me play something, it was this
song. she said she liked it.
that made me smile.

sex on fire • kings of leon
cori showed me this song yesterday, when i took
her for a drive in jb's van, just the two of us there.
she put her hands through the window on the top
of the van & let her hair fly behind her. i was in awe.
she looked beautiful.

heroes • david bowie
we danced in the rain
to this song. she looked
happy this day.

space song • beach house
the song we fell in love to. or
at least i fell in love with her
to. idk how she feels.

little talks • of monsters and men
the first time we listened to this song
together, she started crying & i rushed
over to make sure she was okay.
turns out it was because the song was

there is a light that never goes out • the smiths
cori loves this band. she says that morrissey, whoever
the hell that is, should fall off a cliff & die. i agreed.
i've learned it's just better to agree with her.


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you've got the heat • luster
this is jj's favorite. it makes him
happy, like golden retriever happy.

space song
the song we
fell in love to!
or at least i fell
in love with him to.
idk how he feels.

as the world caves in • matt maltese
jj likes to just hug to this song. i think it's
because of the lack of physical touch he got
growing up that he needs it so much now.

i was all over her • salvia palth
jj listens to this song when he's sad.

8teen • khalid
this was my favorite
song when i was like
13. don't know why he
likes it so much, but
it makes him smile
& i like his smile soo

redbone • childish gambino

alright • supergrass
ugh, this song is everything.
jj once took me to this flower
field and made me dance to
this song. ( he didn't actually
make me, he could look at me
and i would do anything for him
but he doesn't have to know that )

high school lover • cayucas
one time i was sad, so jj took me
to kie's dinner. kie was still working
so after she brought us to our table,
she asked if we had any song requests.
jj said this song. i'll never give him
the satisfaction of telling him it's good.

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