Chapter Two | broccoli

Start from the beginning


He finally shut up after noticing (y/ns) blank expression, it almost seemed like she was bored.

"So you're finally done? That's great, would you like to show me where that asshole went? The one with the gold eyes?"

Bakugou was confused, nobody had ever said anything like that to him before, they've never managed to get him to stop talking in only a few seconds.

"Dumb Pikachu? Well he's probably-"

What is it with all the characters getting cut off today? It's ridiculous.

"Ayyyyyy, Bakubro! How's it going?"

Kaminari rested an arm on Bakugous shoulder, making him absolutely furious.

As funny as it was both (y/n) and Bakugo screamed the exact same thing at Kaminari.


They looked at each other and Bakugo surprisingly let (y/n) go off on a rant to the yellow haired boy.

"What the fuck? First of all I bump into you and fall over at the school entrance then you drag me here and announce I gave you a blowjob, then push me to the ground?"

I scoffed.

"That's not very gentlemanly of you."

You glanced over to Bakugou, noticing there was now a literal red head beside him, who looked like he was gonna piss himself at Kaminari's face that was more pink then a barbie dolls car.

"T-that was a joke! I was joking! I swear!"

Kaminari attempted to blurt out to you, but he honestly sounded like a little kid, he didn't seem as cocky anymore.

"Now, can you show me to the secretary so I can find out what class I'm in?"

You were honestly so tired and class hadn't even started. Was this class always like this? The league has never mentioned how annoying they were. You guess even they didn't know.

A boy with glasses suddenly walked up and saluted for absolutely no reason. This class was on crack.

"Kaminari and Bakugou! As Class Rep. I must not condone this insolent behavior! It is rude and improper."

Bakugou angrily whipped his head to Iida, scoffing at his attempt to get him to shut up.

"Listen here, four eyes. Just because you're class rep doesn't mean you control me. Or Kaminari for that sake."

"Just you wait Bakugou, just you wait until Dadzawa hears about this!"

Iida barked out in all seriousness. Not noticing his slip up. Meanwhile, he watched Bakugous face morph form one of pure anger to one with that look he gave Todoroki before imatating his pretty boy illusion.

Yes, that one.

"Dadzawa?!? Is that some stupid name for the old guy? Or do you have some sort of emotional attachment to him?"

Bakugou couldn't stop this questions that rolled out of his mouth as easily as the laughs that radiated a sense of knowing they were causing pure humiliation.

How Kaminari managed to stay calm during all of this? He didn't understand shit on what was going on as usual. It was hard being the dumb friend sometimes.

"Anyway, whatever your name is, you can just wait for Mr. Aizawa to get here so that he can tell you what class you're in. We're meant to be getting three new students anyway since the last three got involved in setting up Uraraka and Midoriya in some rumor saying that he got her pregnant. "

Kaminari sighed.

"That one wasn't fun at all to clean up."

(y/n) looked over at her side, noticing the broccoli head blushing.

I love the way the reader is assuming that the league hasn't already told me everything about them.

"h-hey! me and u-uraraka aren't e-even dating!"  Midoriya stuttered out, his face growing increasingly red.

A boy that had half red, half white hair rested a hand on Midoriyas shoulder.

"izuku, literally nobody believed that. You'd be far too scared to do anything."

Damn. This class seems to be brutally honest I see. Well that'll be good.

A guy- if you can even call him that, rolled through the door in a yellow sleeping bag, he looked more cocoon than human.

"hello class, today we'll have three new students. one of them is either late or gone missing. has anyone met anyone called (y/n) today?"

I smirked with the realization that I was one of the new students. This went perfectly.

"The short one kaminari dragged in? Yea, shes right here." The red head named Kirishima announced.

The teacher- Shouta Aizawa, also known as ErasureHead - looked at me.

"you were enlisted through special recommendations, weren't you? But your form never listed your quirk. Care to come up here and explain to the class?"

Aizawa paused.

"The other two, come up here and explain too."

you suddenly felt a feeling that turned your heart to ice.

you looked over and noticed him.

hitoshi shinsou.

the man who ruined your life.


heya there! i'm not quite sure of the  last time i updated this story so i'm not certain if this has been a week or more since i've last updated.

the story does gradually get more interesting but since its only starting i cant exactly just lauch you into action yet :)

any grammar mistakes will be seen and fixed later as i sometimes dont see em soon enough.

Once again, tysm for reading this book, the  first few chapters obviously won't be the best so I hope you stick around. Love you all sm!!


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