Chris:She was looking very beautiful I looked at Ryan he also have the same thought I think I scratched my head and said you look so cute.

Ryan:And beautiful like a angel I said in first time in our life we saw swetha getting shocked.

Swetha:I was shocked with their complement I laughed at them and came in the middle by joining our hand and asked them let us go

Chris and Ryan:Yes your highness come.

They three were laughing and going down which made one guy to burn in jealous.

Dani:I don't no what make that princess to take this much time to Grace us with her presence but when she came laughing and holding hand with them I lost my cool we all are waiting for her past one hour and she is enjoying her time with them when I was about to go and seperate them Alex stopped me from doing so and warned me.

Chris:My mate was beautiful in her dress I was just lost looking at her.

Swetha:When we went down suddenly Chris stopped talking I saw him starting at someone like admiring them when I saw who he was staring my eyes went wide he was staring bans then I looked at her but she was talking with some guy then I looked at Ryan as if reading my mind he signed and nodded his head which cleared my doubt and then I felt someone staring at me creepily and I looked at his direction and warned him with my eyes and turned other side.

Dani:I was jealous of Chris and Ryan but to accept the fact she was very beautiful in her dress I was mesmerized by her look when she turned and gave me a warning look I was shocked sure I was staring at her creepily but she has some guts to warn me interesting I have to no more about her.

Swetha:When Chris was staring at her i went to kitchen silently to have my icecream when I was about to take a byte someone snatched my icecream who has that dare to snatch my icecream if anything happens to my icecream I will kill them for sure when I turned to see who was it Ryan was standing with my icecream tub and smirking at me and he ranned away with my icecream calling Chris. arrrggg I have to catch him.

Chris:I was startled when Ryan shouted my name and coming from kitchen running towards me I can't understand what happened swetha was chasing him then only I looked at his hand he was having her icecream tub he gave it to me and winked at me swetha was very pissed now and was angrily coming towards me so we both started running from her.

Swetha:This two are death if I got them while chasing them something strucked between my legs and I was about to fall down but someone caught me in my arms I felt some tingles and electricity passed through me when he was holding me after some daze I asked him to leave me but he was staring at me like I am his long lost love I lost my patience and was about to shout at him but Chris and Ryan dragged me from him.

Dani:I was shocked when she was chasing them for icecream oh God this girl is surely a mystery now only she got drenched fully in rain and now she wants to eat icecream is she insane but their bond made me jealous I was going after her when she was about to fall I caught her she was so perfect in my arms her body contact made me feel warm my wolf was very happy I think she also felt something after sometime she was saying something but I was so lost in her I didn't listen what she said but suddenly she was dragged from me I was about to attack them but Alex stopped me when I saw who dragged her it was again Chris and Ryan why they are always with her this Chris got his mate na he can go to her na arrrggg what I am even thinking she is no one to you Dani.

Chris and Ryan dragged swetha from Dani when she lost her patience they was about to give the tub to her but asked her something.

Chris & Ryan: Swetha wait if you want this tub you have to answer us.

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