And the rest is a blur for me.


Once the tension breaks a bit more and Weasley (I've decided to call her that for tonight) finds herself actually fitting in with the sixth year Slytherins somehow, I attend to Granger, who looks at her goblet nervously.

"Is it-" she starts to whisper, but I roll my eyes.

"No, Granger. No student would actually leave a bowl of spiked punch around Hermione Granger."

She rolls her eyes and takes a sip, making a face as the liquid settles on her tongue.

"Not terrible, a bit too surgery, but I don't think I'm having another-"

"Drake," a voice simpers, and I cringe, turning to find Pansy Parkinson behind me. Merlin, this girl has never given up on trying to date me. The rumors that we're together and that one time that we did it in a broom closet in fourth year after the Yule Ball has made her desperate for me.

So either she's dumb, completely mad, desperate, ignorant, persistent, or all five.

"Pansy," I reply simply, eyeing Granger, who looks both amused and disgusted.

"So you brought a Muggleborn here? Gryffindor princess, no less?" She smirks at Granger, holding her cup firmly in one hand and a hand on her hip with the other.

"I already told you," I mutter. "She's here because-"

"Oh, I know," she interrupts, waving her hand impatiently. "But is that really the case? C'mon Drake, you can do better than that!" She likes to act like I'll eventually go running to her, which is the last thing I'm ever doing.

"I'm not doing anything," I growl in a low tone, and Granger looks away. I can't see her expression, but I don't exactly want to at the moment.

"Oh really?" she replies in a loud voice. "I would've thought that the night we-"

Thankfully she doesn't get to finish her sentence, because Weasley's loudly started to distract everyone with a story that seems to be about the Weasel. Something about Lavender Brown.

Clearly, Granger is horrified, because from where she stands, she calls, "Ginny, why are you saying all that?"

When Weasley looks up, it's clear that someone spiked her drink, because her eyes are wild and untamed, and her hair's already a mess from Merlin-knows-what.

"It's not like he'll know, calm down, 'Mione," she replies smoothly, and I stare at her for a few seconds longer along with Granger as she continues to tell the tale to an eager crowd of amused Slytherins that contains Goyle. "Besides, I thought you'd be alright, given that, you know."

I don't know, and neither do the Slytherins, but whatever it means, Granger goes bright pink with embarrassment.

"Well," Pansy says, and I turn to her. "Better leave you two alone. But Drake, you will come back to me. You'll regret it if you don't. You've already disgraced yourself enough, and hooking up with me is your only redemption."

And with that, she flounces off without another word, a weird smirk on her face.

I sigh, and Granger breaks her gaze off from her friend. "Merlin," she says, shaking her head and downing the rest of her drink in one go. "I ought to go get her before she reveals more embarrassing moments of Ron and Harry. They'd never forgive her."

"Truth or Dare is a Muggle game, it's awfully fun. You ask someone Truth or Dare, and if it's truth, you ask them a question which they have to answer honestly. If it's a dare, you tell them to do something wild and they have to do it," Weasley's voice says, and Granger's eyes widen in shock.

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