Chapter 1

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"Katsuki." Kurogiri snarled "Ugh what?!" The blonde boy snapped. "Please calm your temper. Where's the girl?" Kurogiri asks.
"In this room damnit."

Light. Light hit your face, as you're tied down to a chair with nothing but rope, you've been here for an week.
The only thing you was able to do was eat what your masters bring you.
Fucking candy and chips, one of them almost disnergated your lips off until you got saved by one with a suit and a purple smoke head.
Then there was a highschool boy, around your age.
You thought he was kind of cute but you also hated him. You hated everyone there actually, but there was one you sorta got along with you suppose.
It was a girl, her name was Himiko Toga. You actually liked Toga the most out of them all, she seemed more like your friend-type you actually got along with.
You lift your head up that was hung over, to see the blonde boy you hated.
What was his name again?
Katsuki Bakugo or some shit? Possibility.
"Listen up princess, we're gonna set you free."
Your eyes lit up with joy until
"To see what you can do with your quirk. Don't get any ideas escaping okay dumbass?" He said in an annoyed tone
"Yeah yeah whatever." You repiled
Kurogiri unties you and you sit up streching your arms and legs after being shut up in a room all day you needed to strech. Everything was aching lime a burning feeling in your bones mixed with them crushed or broken.
You sigh and began to speak up "So what the fuck will be first for this training shit?" You asked
"It wasn't training dumbass, it's seeing what your quirk does." Bakugo repiled clearly annoyed with you
"Well I'm sorry Mr-Know-It-All."
"Okay let's just cut it off. Katsuki stop, you're acting like a bratty drama queen. Y/N don't pay any attention to him and focus on what's important at the moment." Kurogiri said in a serious manner.
You nodded, while Bakugo scoffed while crossing his arms and looking the other way. "Wait. Did you just call me princess?" You turned to Bakugo ready to use your quirk on him with no hesitation whatsoever. He stayed silent and just shot a glance at you.
You waited for an answer until you were being dragged out of the room. Before you knew it you was in the bar. Nobody else was there, besides you, Kurogiri, and Bakugo.
"Now, show us what you can do with that quirk of yours princess."
Bakugo said with an grin ready for action. You rolled your eyes and reached your hand out towards the wall, then a smokey-like texture started to form the black and the dark purple danced and mixed together like puzzle pieces fitting each other perfectly. They swirled until the smoke launches at the wall, making a large but medium crack in it.
"That's what it could do if I'm not careful." You muttered rubbing your arm, you still couldn't believe you was free and up and moving. The memory of being free and the kiddnapping in the first place replayed in your head like a endless loop of a broken record.

You was walking down the street one day, coming back with goods & suppiles for the apartment you was living in. You spedwalk down the street letting the cold wind hit your face
You did not want to deal with anyone, or anything for that matter today. You wad on a rush, had to get homework done, wash ths dishes, clean the bed, make dinner, finish the rest of homework, shower & brush teeth then go to sleep. Suddenly you heard screaming in the distance
"Okay what the hell is going on now?" You said annoyed not wanting anything to deal with the situation. The heroes could take care of that, while you sit back and relax and watch them either fail or succeed. You started to jog towards your house until you felt light-headed. Then that's when it hit you, you seen a purple-black warp gate at the end of the street in your neighborhood and instantly dropped your bags.
You backed up immediately, and ran the other direction. 'I feel like I seen that somewhere!' You thought to yourself panicking 'The news!' It finally clicked.
The U.S.J attack with that school U.A you instantly started running faster when all of a sudden blue fire is rushed in front of your face. It shocked you too the point you backed up and hit your head to hard on the concrete. Then yoh just felt yourself being lifted up and that was the end.

"This isn't going to happen often shortie." Bakugo said in a cocky manner "So don't get your damn hopes up" he added on.
"Wasn't planning to. You're all villians for god's sake!" You raised your voice a bit Kurogiri then stepped in to stop the two teenage toddlers to stop fighting
"Y/N, go back to your room."
Kurogiri said clearly done with you and Bakugo's mini fights. Bakugo chuckled in delight as if he achieved something. You groaned and walked off out of the bar room, down the hall to the room you was locked up in for weeks. You opened the door and sat in front of it hugging your knees to your chest. You put your head down and got deep into thought, soon entering the dream world.

Words: 921
(Chapter 1 is finished.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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