Bkinis and roller skates

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A/n: Tbh this could have a part two.

Prompt: you're an old highschool friend of Misa's and that's how you met L.

You were always a beachy person, loved the sound of the sea, the sunsets and sunrises, the days out basking in the sun. So every weekend you had the tradition of putting on your cutest bikini, your roller skates and bringing your beach bag and sunglasses and skating down the path on the beach to the markets where you'd get some snacks and then take a quick dip before skating back home.

At this point the owners of all the stalls at the market knew you as the girl on holographic roller skates that came every Saturday.

Today was a bit different though, as you were eating your fairy floss you'd gotten from the markets and zooming along on your wheels down to the path that lead to the seashore you couldn't help but feel like you recognised someone's voice. It was so familiar that you stopped to look around and try and identify it.

"Come on stop complaining Ryuzaki! You're so pale you need some sun!" The voice whined.

You looked over to the nearby parking lot to see a blonde girl wearing an all black bikini and a few other boys all getting things out of the car for a day at the beach.

What's that? There's no way- holt shit it is!

"MISA!" You called out, beginning to skate over.

Everyone turned to look at you and Misas face lit up.

"OH MY GOD, (Y/N)!"

She dropped the pool noodles she was holding and booked it over to you. Meeting in the middle of the path you rolled into her arms and you both laughed in a tight hug.

"Dude I haven't seen you in years!" You said.

"I know it's been so long! I see you're still nuts about skating" she replied.

"Of course it's the superior way to get around, fast, fun, turns heads, it's great"

"How have you been? God I feel like I haven't seen you in decades but it's probably only been what... 3 years?"

"I know it's crazy. I'm good actually, I work at the tourist centre near here that goes to all the beach side locations. And I've seen you on freaking billboards miss model" you said.

She smiled, proud of how far she came since highschool. Not her best years with her parents dying and all...

"I can't believe it actually it's so crazy. And talk about models, you should be one! You look great! I love that swimsuit"

"Thank you, you look great and as goth as ever"

"Hey come meet my boyfriend! Oh yeah I got a boyfriend by the way- geez we have so much to catch up on..."

You rolled beside her back over to the car, getting a closer look at the boys. Some older ones that looked to be dads of the others, and some younger ones probably in their 20s.

One was tall, had brown straight hair and seemed like he was pretty fit and well groomed. And judging by Misa grabbing into his arm he was the boyfriend. But he wasn't the interesting one. It was the pale one with black hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in years behind him that caught your attention. Who wore long clothes to the beach? Then again he was crazy pale, he'd probably burn super easy.

"Light! This is (y/n), you know the one from highschool?" Misa said.

"(Y/n)... oh! The one you accidentally set the smoke alarm off with?" He said.

You and Misa snickered at the memory.

"Yep that's me. I totally forgot that happened for a second" you laughed.

You shook Lights hand, your sudden presence towering over the boys because of the extra height from the skates making everyone else ask you you were. Misa introduced you. There was Light, his dad, some co workers and the emo looking one that was yet to notice you as he dug though the bag off food and drinks looking for something.


He was too engrossed in the food, and finally found that lollipop he was looking for.


He jumped, turning to face the rest of the group and immediately laying eyes on you.

"This is my friend of highschool (y/n), you know the wild one that I accidentally set off the smoke alarm with? What are the chances running into her huh?" Misa said.

Either he was blushing or already sunburnt. It could be either really, he was just that pale.

"O-oh yeah I remember her. Hi, nice to meet you" he said.

He was tall, but he slouched and you were standing on a set of wheels so you were taller. You reached out to shake his hand, his hands were cold he was like a vampire, you were surprised he hadn't burst into flames in the sun.

"Nice to meet you, I did not expect the morning to take this turn" you smiled.

He looked down at your skates, the shine of the holographic fabric catching his attention.

"Woah, nice skates" he said.

"Thanks, I couldn't just settle for plan old not shiny ones"

"(Y/n), you should join us!"

Why not? You didn't have any other plans.

"Yeah sure, I know a good spot with way less people if you don't mind walking a bit" you said.

"Sure, we don't care the less crowded the better" Misa replied.

You helped them carry some stuff by grabbing a few towels and started skating off having them follow you down the path to the right spot on the beach. You talked with Misa as you rolled along, catching up on missed gossip from the last few years.


L snapped back into reality, only just realising he was staring at you as you skated.

"What is it now Light?" He sighed.

"Is it her luxurious hair, her voice or the fact she's in a bright bikini on roller-skates that's got you staring?" Light teased.

"I just zoned out... that's all"

"No way dude, your cheeks are red"


"Watari practically showered you in sunscreen before we left and it's been about 5 minutes since he arrived"

Well... he got him there. L sighed, he knew that Light already caught on to his immediate crush on the girl on skates wearing heart shaped sunglasses holding his towel and some fairy floss he desperately wanted to eat.

"So which is it?" Light smirked.

"... all of the above" L sighed.

"I fucking knew it, I'm so telling Misa"


"It's about time you got a girlfriend"

There was no use fighting Light, he was stubborn. No matter what L said Light would still tell misa, plus... he just couldn't take his eyes off you. Not only were you gorgeous, interesting and clearly shared his sweet tooth, your flashy skates reminded him of when he used to skateboard around Winchester to go to that really good bakery back when he was at wammys. Maybe he should have bought that board...

"Fine, I know there's no use fighting you in this regard. Just... don't mention me staring..."

"Why? You spying on her butt or something?" Light snickered.

"No... her thighs..."

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