Tae walks out the wardrobe room, still drying his hair with a towel. He looks towards Tee on the bed.

Tee is concentrate looking at his phone, lying on his stomach on the bed. Tae lies himself beside Tee.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Tae asks, he looks at the watch hanging inside the room, it's already midnight.

Tee just shows his phone as the answer to Tae. Tae pulls Tee's waist from behind so that the body is flush to him.

"Korean drama?" Tae asks. Tee nods. Tae makes himself watching the drama with Tee.

"I saw the news." Tee says after a while he is in Tae's embrace.

"Hmmm... " Tae hums. He already knows what kind of news Tee is talking about.

"P'Tae, why do you love me?" Tee asks, the Korean drama keeps playing on his phone.

"Apart of me being your first love." Tee added. His eyes never leave the phone's screen.

"You fulfill my emptiness."

"My life becomes bright when you step into it."

"13 years ago or even now. Never ever I miss a day to love you, Tee." Tae answers softly, his eyes is on the screen as well, but he tighten his hold on Tee's body showing honesty on his words.

Tee smiles unknowingly. But then, the smile disappears again.

"What will you do about the news?" Tee asks. 

"She messages me; someone must have given my number to her." Tae says. Tee pout hearing it.

Tae kisses Tee's back head. He turns Tee to face him. The phone on Tee's hold already falls on the bed. Tae looks at the beautiful eyes in front of him.

"I haven't replied it. You can take my phone and do whatever you want." Tae says. Tee looks at Tae, still unsatisfied.

Tae smiles seeing Tee's expression. He kisses Tee's forehead.

"I will say I love you every single day Tee if that's what it takes for you to believe me." Tae whispers, he kisses Tee's cheeks.

"I will coax you with sweet words that have been preserved only for you." Tae gives a peck to Tee's lips.

Tee looks at Tae: he is expressionless. Sometime it's not easy for Tae to guess what's in Tee's mind.

Tee cupped Tae's cheek and lean closer to press his lips on Tae's. It is a short kiss. Tee snuggles into Tae's chest after the unexpected kiss.

"You're mine." Tee murmurs.

Tee, Dome, Krist and Chimon are having bakery lesson with grandma and grandpa in the kitchen while the others are gathered in Tae's office room.

"Do you know what happen?" Singto asks. Tae quirk his eyebrow and shakes his head. No, he hasn't heard anything happen. 

Singto looks at Pavel who is munching nuts that he sneak out from the bakery session. Pavel shakes his head too.

"You really didn't read the news?" Singto said in frustration.

Pavel shakes his head. "They didn't allow me too." Pavel says. 

Tae and Dome has prohibited Pavel from touching any gadgets at the moment. Pavel is not allowed to do any work at all. Pluem shakes his head: he knows its must hard for Pavel to do nothing as he always itching to work.

Singto sighs. He looks at Pluem, telling Pluem to tell the two about the news.

"The one who supposed to be your fiancé just made a press conference." Pluem informs, the news get the attention of Tae and Pavel.

"PC for what?" Pavel asks.

"She back off. She doesn't want to be Darvid Kreepolrerk's fiance." Pluem explains.

"The old man is mad at hell. It's a new drama at Kreepolrerk's mansion." Singto says, he chuckles for Kreepolrerk's misery.

"What did you do?" Pavel asks Tae, curious.

"It's not me." Tae answers. Singto, Pluem and Pavel frowns. It's not one of them who did it for her to back off. And if it's not Tae, then?

Tae grins remembering something.

"It's Tee." Tae says.

Pavel stops munching. Singto and Pluem stare at Tae.

"He has my phone all to himself the whole day yesterday." Tae explains. As if with a cue, Pluem moves his fingers on his laptop's keyboard.

"Wow, Tee is awesome." Pluem says after a while.

Pavel and Singto move to take a look at the screen.

"That's my brother!" Pavel exclaims.

"Wow." Singto says in amazed.

All of them gather in the living room for evening tea-time. Tee brings Tae's coffee to him. Tae pulls Tee for him to sit on his laps.

Tae kisses Tee's back neck before snuggling into the crook of Tee's neck.

"P'Tae, there are others." Tee says, flustered by Tae's act.

Tae places a kiss on the neck before resting his chin on Tee's shoulder. He then playfully nibbles Tee's ear.

"P'Tae." Tee calls as gently as he can.

"My baby is fierce. He doesn't even want anyone to dream of getting me." Tae whispers to the ear softly.

Tee looks at Tae.

"How did you know? Your phone is still here, with me." Tee's eyes are wide open. Tae smiles.

"She made a press conference to back off." Tae informs.

"And baby, don't you know there is more than one hacker here?" Tae says, he pulls Tee's body close to him.

Tee pushes Tae's chest using his hands. "P'Tae, they are here." Tee whines, his face already flushes red.

Tae pecks Tee's lips ignoring his whining. Tee looks at Tae after a while; soft expression but determined eyes.

"You're mine, P'Tae. Only mine." Tee says. Tae smiles hearing that.

"He-hem!" Dome makes a cough sound. The others join making the same sound. Tae and Tee look at them. Tae smiles widely while Tee quickly hides his face on Tae's chest.

"I heard; he is yours." Chimon says, hands in the air as if surrendering. All of them laughing, Tee is still hiding.

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