"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"Visiting my family" he says ruffling my hair

"That's nice" I say and he nods

"So I was thinking"

"You can do that?"

"Shut up, anyway I was thinking if you want to come meet my family? That sounds weird but they should know the person I despise so much"

"Fuck you, you love me"


"Fine I'll go tell my mom and we'll be on our merry way"

I told mom, then we headed to his family house. Once we did we all talked and made fun of Esteban. The good stuff you know. They even showed me baby pictures, what a bonus!

"You know, I like your family they're really nice" I say as we watch a movie

"What I don't like is how my dumb dog loves you" he says and I laugh

"He's cute" I say and he shakes his head

We sat in awkward silence for a couple minutes until.. you guessed it

Our lips connected, we were in sync with one another. I straddled his lap as his hands went down to my back. My hands slowly made it to the back of his neck. His soft brown hair.

We pulled apart, our foreheads resting on one another.

"I uh I didn't mea-"

"Well I wouldn't have kissed you back if I didn't know what I was doing" I say and he rubs his neck

"Should we take this to the room?"

"We definitely should unless you want your family to hear and see"

"Nope" he says and picks me up as he gets up

We got to his room, and we both quickly stripped out of our clothes.

"One time thing" he says

"One time thing" I repeat

He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a condom.

"Safety first" he says

"Not what you would say during practice"

He got on the bed, spreading my legs and let me tell you he's pretty big. He looked up to me and I nodded.

He slowly pushed himself in, I grabbed onto the sheets making a small fist.

"Oh f-fuck" I stutter out

"Breathe" he whispered softly into my ear which sent shivers all over my body.

"Esteban if you don- holy fuck"

"You were saying?"

"Fuck. You" I pant out

"That's what we're doing" I could practically see his smirk

He sped up his pace, god the things he was doing was driving me insane.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I squeak out. His lips were on my neck as his hands traveled up and down my sides.

Suddenly it was like I forgot I was with him that my mind shut down. There was only one thing on my mind.


I was brought back to reality when..

"ESTEBAN!" I yelled out as I came all over him

"You okay?" He asks

"Y-yeah" I pant out

He kept going until he came and I came again. We laid in bed together as I rested my head on his chest. His fingers running through my hair.

"One time thing" he whispers

"One time thing" I whisper and peck his lips

"But what about one more round?" He asks and I laugh

"Do you have anoth-"

"In the drawer"

"Well then get to it!" I say

Ash's POV

"Hey can I ask you guys a question?" Sophia says and we all turn to look at her

"Of course" JJ says

"Is Evelyn dating anyone?"

Oh crap. This is gonna be fun.

"Nope! She's single like a Pringle!" Emily yells out

Okay I take that back, what the hell.

I turn to look where Mal is and Moe is practically holding her back from saying some stupidity.

"Cool well thank you" Sophia say and I turn around to face Chris

"I told you" I whisper and she shakes her head

"Doesn't mean she'll act on it"

"So what if I maybe asked her out?" Sophia says and I practically choke on my gum

"Water" I tell Ali and she hands me water

"Don't know what to tell you kid but it doesn't hurt to try" Pinoe says and my eyes widen as I spit my water out

What the fuck.

"Right it doesn't hurt to try"

"So maybe I was wrong" Chris says

"You think"

"This isn't going to end well" Ali whispers

"Looks like Mal is about to kill someone" Tobin whispers

"This took a big turn in a matter of seconds" I say and they nod

If Mal doesn't act soon, that's over.

Shit is about to go down.

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