Everyone suddenly started screaming in frustration and Jess came back with the modem for the Internet. "Merry Christmas," he tossed it to Luke and the two of us left.

"Wow," I laughed. "That was hot."

Jess looked at me weirdly. "Hormones," I justified it. "Sure Heath, sure," Jess rolled his eyes playfully and kissed the top of my head.


"That was fun," Rory laughed as we walked down the street. I held the spray paint. "Oh just like old times," I giggled. "Vandalising Taylor's property, the last time I did that was...a long time ago."

I had gloves on so there would be no fingerprints and I hid the can at the Black, White and Red Theatre. "Evil!" Rory gasped.

"I'm gonna be a mom in six months, need to get the classics back," I laughed.

"Rory, Heather," someone sang in a jeery tone. I looked up to see a bird. "Get ready ladies."

"Okay, that is creepy," I said to Rory. "Hezzy," Rory tapped my arm and pointed to the door of the Gazette, which was open. "Hello?" she called and she went in. "Oh I do not like the sound of this," I mumbled.

I shrieked once I saw Esther hold a flashlight, showing only her face. "In omnia paratus."

"Oh no," I sighed. I looked out the window to see smoke and men walking through it, with gorilla masks. "What is it?" Rory asked me.

"The Life and Death Brigade," I told her. "I'll be damned."

The two of us went outside. "You boys lost?" I folded my arms. "Take the gorilla masks off."

"You never ask a man to drop his facade," a familiar voice said. "I'm not buying it Finn," I told him. "Just because the last time I saw you is when I took that swan dive off the cliff, doesn't mean I don't recognise your voice."

They took the masks off and there they were Colin, Finn and Robert. "Bad luck Finn, she's married," Colin laughed. "How long?" Finn asked me. "Nearly ten years," I told him.

"Well we took a vote, from the last meeting," Colin explained to us. "And we decided..."

"To take you out," Logan made his presence known. "Both of you."

Finn handed me a fedora and a long coat. "No jumping off cliffs," I warned them. "I'm speaking for three."

"Three?" Logan wondered. "One," I pointed at Rory. "Two," I pointed at myself. "And three," I pointed at my stomach.

All the boys widened their eyes. "Come on Heather," Logan pleaded with me.

"Fine," I gave in. We all ran down the street together and we did some crazy things. Wandering down the streets, playing golf on top of the high school and getting a projector in the park to watch a movie. Kirk's movie.

They all had champagne while I had soda. Logan got us all into a club which is where everyone else from the Life and Death Brigade.

It was a fancy dance club. "So, married?" Finn asked me. "Yeah," I nodded. "Last time I saw you was when you and Logan were getting airlifted," Finn muttered. "It took me a while to recover, but I got there."

"And you won an Oscar for that script you wrote," Colin congratulated me. "We watched your speech."

"You did?" I raised my eyebrow. "Every February we do," Colin told me. "So, you wrote a script, worked with James Cameron and Martin Scorsese, what do you do now?"

"I'm on the writing staff for SNL, also a show runner," I told them. "Ooh SNL, what did you write?" Finn asked me. "The debates," I admitted.

"Holy shit! That was you?" Finn gasped. I nodded, laughing. "But to be honest, I've had a crush on you for over ten years love. But you're married now. Are you happy?"

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