The Sound of Silence

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[ Personality ]

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[ Personality ]

Detailed personality - Venus is a fierce and heartfelt she-wolf, always putting the lives of her pups or those she cares for above her own. ever since she was chased out of her old pack, she's fallen into times heartache and sadness. her pups make her life worth it though. she is gentle and nurturing to them but to strangers, she's all bite and no bark. if she feels that you are a threat, she won't hesitate to attack. she despises birds and running water, out of fear that they'll kill her pups. she would do anything for them. they may be unborn, but that doesn't mean anything to her. unborn or not, they're still her precious pups ad she'll kill anyone who dear hurt them.

[ Relationships ]

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[ Relationships ]

Acquaintances - open
~ would offer small nods and a quick smile

Friendships - open
~ would talk to and smile at, would also allow them to watch the pups for a short while.

Best friends - open
~ would open up to and allow near her pups

Rivals - open
~ would threaten then with growls and snarls, could possibly attack them if provoked to much

Crushes - open
~ would get flushed and embarrassed

Love interests - open
~ would flirty with

Current mate - none
~ would love until the ends of the earth

Offspring - unborn, here's what they will look like and names:

- Kida - a fuzzy white she-pup with brown eyes

- Koda - a big white male pup with blue eyes

- Kodi - a fuzzy white she-pup with blue eyes

- Mars - a scrawny brown pup with amber eyes (the runt)

- Mars - a scrawny brown pup with amber eyes (the runt)

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[ Other ]

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[ Other ]

Other things about you're character -
~ she has four, four week old pups
~ she has a fear of water
~ hates birds for some reason
~ would kill for her pups
~ stays to herself most of the time

Roleplay example - ahhhhh okay..
~ a small snarl forced its way onto the white wolf's muzzle. her golden eyes scanned the area as she stalked down the path. four young pups stumbled underneath her body, doing their best to keep up. she needed to find some place safe to rest wile they ate and slept. one of them gave a weak bark, causing venus to quietly shush them, freezing in place with fear wafting off of her. she thought for sure a bird or other predator had heard them.

" i'm not aggressive, i just love my pups more than the safety of others "

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" i'm not aggressive, i just love my pups more than the safety of others "

" i'm not aggressive, i just love my pups more than the safety of others "

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Bang Bang - OC bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora