"Ladies," Selena says as she gathers them in the Great Hall after finishing with the rest of the girls, "I'd like to thank you all for coming. Recent events have caused me to realize that I need allies, people that I can count on and I'm hoping that I'll be able to count on you four."

The four girls look at each other, almost as though sizing each other up. They were all from different parts of Westeros with families that had fought with or against each other. However, here they were hopefully united for one cause.

"So, what are we doing?" Allara asks, "I mean we're here for a reason, right?"

"Yes," Selena says, "But I haven't thought that far ahead, simply because I didn't expect Connington to send out the ravens so soon."

Ashara laughs, "Connington?"

"Lord Hand – whatever," Selena says flicking her wrist, "Anyway I guess I do have a simple set of rules. The first would be to filter what you say around the royal family. Especially Daenerys Targaryen. She loves to run her mouth off to Rhaegar."

"Second," Selena says, "I assume you all are here to find husbands as well, which is just fine, but Aegon and Viserys Targaryen are off-limits."

"Why?" Larrisa asks and Allara laughs from beside her.

"If you have to ask, then it's clear you may be part of the problem."

"I'm not!" Larrisa exclaims defensively, "I just want to know why not."

"Aegon is most likely going to be betrothed to Margaery Tyrell. If not, then feel free to pursue him. Viserys is working to join the Kingsguard, so he will offer you nothing but a terrible evening."

The ladies laugh at that and Selena smiles, "The third and final rule is that we trust each other. Here at court, the Targaryens will only look out for themselves, so we have to look out for each other, at least until we go to Storm's End. I'll do my best to protect you, but I can only do so much in my position."

"We'll look after you as well," Jessamyn tells her with a genuine smile, and Selena returns it.

"What she said," Ashara tells her as she looks at the rest of the girls, "We protect each other."

"Allies," Larrisa says.

Allara nods with a smile, "Allies."


"Have you thought any more about what you want to do?" Selena asks Rhaenys. The two of them were walking by the docks, watching as the ships came and went.

"No," Rhaenys says with a sigh, "But I've thought about it and we need to speak to my mother about this. She needs to know."

"Elia will want to go about this peacefully," Selena says, "She'll want to bury it."

"I won't let her," Rhaenys tells her firmly, "I just need advice. She'll know what to do."

Selena sighs but nods, "Okay then. We take it to Elia."

They find the Queen in the castle library, not alone, but with Ser Arthur Dayne. When Elia sees them, she quickly dismisses the knight and gives them her undivided attention.

"Ladies," Elia says, "What can I do for you?"

Selena allows Rhaenys to take the lead, "Mother, Selena and I have discovered something rather, upsetting."

Elia closes her book, "Selena would this have anything to do with what you saw the other night?"

Rhaenys looks at her, "You told her?"

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