"It's strange," Selena says keeping her eyes on Jon, "Rhaegar seems to favor Jon over Aegon and Rhaenys."

"Most fathers favor their bastards more than their trueborn," Jaime tells her, "They were born from passion, not a forced marriage."

"Still," Selena says looking at Jaime, "Aegon is his heir. He looks like him. He should idolize him and not Jon. I mean look at him."

They both do and Jon stands there awkwardly as though he's unsure of who to talk to, what to do. Selena was surprised that Lyanna wasn't here with him since the two of them seemed attached at the hip. She was protective of her son; overprotective Selena would say.

"He's a weird lad," Jaime admits, "He's good with a sword though."

"Aegon is better," Selena says as she looks at her empty wine goblet, "I think I'm going to get more wine."

"Don't drink yourself to stupor. I do not feel like carrying you to your chambers tonight," Jaime tells her, and she can't help but take the opportunity to tease him.

"But then we'd be all alone," she teases, and Jaime simply shakes his head with a hint of a smile.

She searches for a servant to fill her goblet when someone makes contact with her, their wine spilling onto her dress. Selena's mouth twitches as she looks up at the culprit and can't believe her eyes as she looks up at Daenerys.

"I'm so sorry," she apologizes, "I didn't mean to, truly."

"I don't care what you meant to do," Selena spits out. She notices a man walking by her with a filled glass of wine and she quickly swipes it from his hand as she throws it onto Daenerys's new dress. There's a gasp from near bystanders and from Daenerys herself. Selena looks at the stain with a satisfied smile.

"What happened?" Aegon asks as he rushes over and looks at the two of them. He notices the stain on Selena's dress and the one on Daenerys's and then he breaks out into a wide smile, finding the situation humorous.

"Is this funny to you?" Daenerys asks him angrily before turning to Selena, "You -" Daenerys stumbles to find the right word, "You whore!"

Selena can't help but notice how unnatural the words sound coming out of Daenerys mouth. They don't even sound menacing.

"You shouldn't speak like that, Princess," Selena says, tilting her head with a smile, "It's not becoming of royalty."

"I hate you," Daenerys says, and Selena lets out a laugh. It was the first time she had seen Daenerys mad and it was almost as though she were looking at an angry kitten.

"I don't care," Selena tells her, "Now go run to the King so he can fix your problems like he always does."

Selena doesn't wait for Daenerys's reply as she leaves the gardens, much of the party still going on and music playing in a separate section. She was glad Rhaenys hadn't seen because she would have given her a lecture, telling her that dumping her drink on Daenerys had been childish, but she hadn't cared. It was what she deserved.

She walked down the corridor that led to the hall her room was on but stopped as she saw Lyanna and Rhaegar engaged in a heated conversation. She slipped behind a wall as she listened on to the conversation between the King and his mistress.

"I just want to go home," Lyanna says, "I miss my brothers and Jon, he's never even met the other half of his family."

"It's too dangerous," Rhaegar tells her, he already sounds over the conversation, "Your brother rose up against my family. He may hurt Jon."

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