Chapter 1: The Rookie & The Hooded Enter The Frame.

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Petra's P.O.V

Vector and Axel entered the base. They both looked saddened. Vector spoke up.

"Eggman's army is unstoppable!"

"Without Sonic and Mystery, the people are losing hope and giving in to despair. We just might have to give in on finding Jesse or (Y/n) either..." Axel lowered his head. I haven't seen him like that in a while. This must affect him quite a lot.

"Despair is a luxury we don't have!" Silver said.

"Exactly," I replied. I was a bit distraught after all the events that have happened over the past few months. All the battles we fought and lost. Losing multiple to the masked man and Romeo. I have no idea why he's posing as Xander. It's just not right.

"We still dream Sonic and Mystery are with us, And we could also find those friends of yours," Amy said. Raven was still hopeful, but her attitude wasn't helping our mood. We were all too depressed for her efforts to have any effect.

"Do you think they might be--" she said. She was trying to bring our hopes up. Yet again, she was ignored.

"I and Petra are optimists, but we are also realists." Silver said. As I looked at him, he gave me a slow nod, signalling that I continue his statement. I nodded back.

"Sonic and Mystery are gone, Amy, Raven. And Tails and Scarlett have.....they have just lost it." I said to them. "If we're going to win we have to do it without them."

"But they would've been very useful for us. I am worried about them. As soon as they delivered the news...they haven't got any better. Haven't seen them in ages now."

"Petra's right. We've been hoping for a miracle these past six months." Espio said

"But we're afraid we have to make our own miracle." Ivor continued.

"Eggman's army has everyone terrified." Silver said.

"If we want the people to rally, we have to show them that strength doesn't just come from numbers," I told them.

"Yeah...I hope that Tails & Scarlett are okay." Raven said. Wow. She dropped her cheerful act. That's new. We were all depressed until Charmy spoke.

"Not everyone is terrified," Charmy said.

"Aren't three new recruits joining us today?" Lukas asked.

"Yes." Silver said. Looking at me. I knew what to ask.

"Survivors from the city, right?" I asked as I had no intel on it yet.

"We're accessing the files now." Amy and Raven said. Raven added, "I almost forgot. Silly me."

But then Lukas had to ask, "Maybe two of them are Jesse & (Y/n). We haven't found them yet."

" Silver said. I'm a realist. Don't get your hopes up. They might be...gone."

"But sis--"

"Don't call me sis here...if any of us bite the big one as they did...I don't want to deal with any grief and forfeit the rebellion."

We all stayed silent. I just looked at my wedding ring. I missed Jesse so much. Lukas also missed (Y/n) too.

We all missed them both dearly.

Time skip

Knuckles and Olivia entered and Silver and I said,

"Knuckles, Olivia!"

"What's the sitrep, Commanders?"

"Happy to see that you're all still alive." Knuckles said.

"Eggman's forces have chewed through our defences at Green Hill," Olivia told us. That wasn't good. Not good at all.

"And the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finished Sonic and Mystery..."
I bowed my head in sorrow. We all did. Usually Sonic or Mystery would give us hope of finding (Y/n) or Jesse. 

Now...nothing. Not even Raven spoke up. We all accepted when we find them. Alive or not...we'd stay here.

"Sorry, still not used to saying that."  We all stayed silent as Olivia added on to Knuckles' statement.

"Whatever it is has got them running in fear." We all knew that. All of us had changed. Raven had a patch on her left eye. Which got so hurt it is unable to heal. Lukas had a bandage on his right arm from a cut he endured from Romeo.

Axel had new gear to better protect himself from injury. Olivia now had an earpiece, as we all did. Daisy was nowhere to be seen. Ivor was now back in outfit. Scarlett? Not sure. She wasn't with us. She was with Tails.

I was brought out of my own thoughts as the door opened to one (A/t)...& two hooded figures, "All except for these brave kids, who survived the battle and made it here in one piece. Meet our newest recruits."

The two in the hoods looked familiar. Oddly familiar. Knuckles patted the (A/t) on the back sending them forward.

"Is it really them?" one of the hooded asked.

"Lower your voice, Emerald. You know what my brother and that jackal did to us. We need to clarify first. And also keep our (A/t) friend safe." Said the second. They were certainly sceptical of us.

"They don't look like much," Charmy said.

"Neither do you, Charmy, but I still manage to find a use for your pointy butt." Knuckles told the bee and the bee only replied with a "Hehee."

"Here, take these kids. We're depending on you." Olivia told them and she gave the trio wispons.

"Okay, let's get going, everybody! The worlds not gonna save itself!" Knuckles finished.

Get ready Eggman. Or...Dr. Robotnik. Whatever your name're going down!

Then...Rouge & Harper gave us a message...

I wonder...

What do they want to say?

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