Who Are You?

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time: 9:00 am. Ms. J wakes me up."thanks Ms.J!" i groggily groan at her. she smiled at me. i look at her deep chocolate curls, and her caramel skin shining in the light from my window. she's beautful. "you seem like youre looking forward to someone dear, mind if I ask who?" I smile at her. "of course not. I dont know his name, but i think he's a similar age to me... messt dark brown hair, blue- no- green? eyes? I'll figure it out when I see him."
I'm strangely excited to meet this kid. I get up once ms.J opens my door, and exit the room. I walk into the community room, and there he is. His hair is dark brown, like dark chocolate, it looks soft... I walk over and sit down. "Greetings and salutations gorgeous" oh god his voice... I think I'm gonna melt... "hi. Whats your name?" I ask. eager to know this boy. He ruffles his hair. "Jason Dean, but JD fits beter." well Jas-JD we might need to share lunch sometime... "my name is Y/N, nice to meet you Ja-JD" he smiles. "nice to meet you too Y/N" I love the way he says my name... GOD Y/N! you just met him and youre already swooning! pathetic. His greyish green eyes pierced into my e/c eyes. if looks could kill he'd be wanted in all 50 states. god y/n get your mind straight. he's not into you. "Y/n?" "huh" "wanna sit by eachother at lunch?" holy. fucking. shit. AAAAAAA answer him! "sure!" I smie at him. "You have a beautiful smile y/n" "really? I never liked it much..." "why not?" he asks, tilting his head. he looks like a little puppy... "I always thought my teeth were crooked, and too yellow..." "that's bullshit y/n. your smile can light up a room." wow. this guy is smooth... "thank you JD..." he smiled at me. not a cocky smile; but a genuine, kind, almost loving smile. we talked for a bit longer. why we were there, how log we had been in "captivity" and what we wanted to do after we got out. we talked till noon then we had group therapy, then lunch, (which we sat by eachother) then we had a doc check and by the time all that was done, it was 8:00. which means; bedtime. so i waved goodbye, gave him a quick hug, then shuffled my way back to my room with ms.J

(A/N) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! im so sorry its been so long since i last updated! i feel sooooooo bad! eek! i just started freshman year, and im already a wreck. anyways ill tru to update when i can. love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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