Your Character

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Name: Otalku y/n

Age: 2

Parents: Otalku Mei and Taro Otalku

Date of birth: y:? d:? m: Nov

Personally: kind, stubborn, shy, funny (I'll leave the rest up to you)

Appearance: (the pic up top is u)

Quirk(s): unknown (aka here r ur quirks: death glare, time stop, angel touch, and designate)

Quirk(s) description: u can glare at anything and it will blow to smithereins but if u use it to much your eyes will turn red and if u don't stop u begin to cry blood(death glare), you can freeze time for about 10 minutes but if u freeze time for over 10 mins u freeze up too but for about 10 seconds (time stop it will get stronger as the storyline goes on), you can heal people as much as u please but it takes up A LOT of energy (angel touch) basically it's Tomura's quirk but stronger (designate)


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